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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0001486ScribusShape Drawingpublic2005-01-04 16:32
Reporterroberts Assigned Tocbradney  
Status closedResolutionduplicate 
Summary0001486: way to limit draw lines to 15 degree increments when holding down a key
DescriptionIt would be nice if when using the draw lines tool, you could press a key (say Ctrl, but alt or shift would do) that would force the line to be drawn in 15 degree increments. This would be the same thing that exists in the GIMP already (here the shortcut keys are draw the first point using any of the drawing tools, release mouse button, move to about where the end point should be, press shift, then press control; you are now limited to 15 degree increments when you move the end point around). I would find this useful for creating separator lines in the gutters between columns created by having multiple text frames side by side especially where they are close together.

For now, Scribus users are limited to editing the properties by hand to get the 270 degree angle (or 90 depending on which way you draw).
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duplicate of 0000250 closedcbradney Add control-click/drag for lines to keep to 15 degree angles 


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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2005-01-04 16:05 roberts New Issue
2005-01-04 16:32 cbradney Relationship added duplicate of 0000250
2005-01-04 16:32 cbradney Duplicate ID 0 => 250
2005-01-04 16:32 cbradney Status new => resolved
2005-01-04 16:32 cbradney Resolution open => duplicate
2005-01-04 16:32 cbradney Assigned To => cbradney
2005-01-04 16:32 cbradney Status resolved => closed