View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0016996ScribusUsabilitypublic2024-01-12 18:54
Reporterpmjdebruijn Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Product Version1.6.0.svn 
Summary0016996: New (Linear) Gradients are Black-to-Black (effectively solid)
DescriptionWhen adding a new shape, and switching to a Linear gradient (via Properties/Colors), I get a solid black background.

The newly added gradient, is a black-to-black gradient, while technically a gradient, effectively solid, which may confuse users.

Recommended behavior: When a user switches from a default solid fill to a gradient, generate the previously selected color to white gradient.
Example: So if the solid fill was previously set to red, then generate a red (or if unable to determine, fall through to black) to white gradient.

Also, new linear gradients are by default graduated across the horizontal axis, which to me seems like the least common use-case, I have a suspicion gradients across the vertical axis are more commonly used, therefore I think this probably be the default direction for newly created linear gradients.

I've tried digging into the code, but wasn't successful so far.
TagsNo tags attached.



2023-08-14 16:45

reporter   ~0050310

If someone could point me to where a new Linear Gradient's parameter are initialized, I might be able to work out a patch...


2024-01-12 09:28

reporter   ~0050884

Ah found it:

Attached is a concept patch, which probably shouldn't be applied as-is:
1) it only affects fill gradients, but is easily extended to line gradients
2) the right stop is hardcoded to white, which results in a white-to-white gradient if the default fill/line color is set to white, so in that case it should probably be flipped to black

But it shows what I'd like to change and roughly how... And I'd love some feedback.

On a sidenote, two questions:
1) why is the 'm_Doc->PageColors.contains("Black")' there if Black can't be deleted from the Document?
2) what's a GrType == Gradient_4Colors, presumably it's more than just a gradient with 4 stops?
gradient.patch (3,432 bytes)   
diff -Nurpd a/scribus/pageitem.cpp b/scribus/pageitem.cpp
--- a/scribus/pageitem.cpp	2024-01-07 18:07:06.000000000 +0100
+++ b/scribus/pageitem.cpp	2024-01-12 10:15:21.074106187 +0100
@@ -506,6 +506,7 @@ PageItem::PageItem(ScribusDoc *doc, Item
 	ImageIntent = Intent_Relative_Colorimetric;
 	m_layerID = m_Doc->activeLayer();
 	stroke_gradient = VGradient(VGradient::linear);
 	if (m_lineColor != CommonStrings::None)
@@ -543,6 +544,7 @@ PageItem::PageItem(ScribusDoc *doc, Item
 		stroke_gradient.addStop(qcol, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, "Black", 100);
 		stroke_gradient.addStop(qcol, 1.0, 0.5, 1.0, "Black", 100);
 	fill_gradient = VGradient(VGradient::linear);
 	if (m_fillColor != CommonStrings::None)
@@ -550,7 +552,6 @@ PageItem::PageItem(ScribusDoc *doc, Item
 		const ScColor& col = m_Doc->PageColors[m_fillColor];
 		QColor qcol = ScColorEngine::getRGBColor(col, m_Doc);
 		fill_gradient.addStop(qcol, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, m_fillColor, 100);
-		fill_gradient.addStop(qcol, 1.0, 0.5, 1.0, m_fillColor, 100);
 		GrColorP1 = m_fillColor;
 		GrColorP2 = m_fillColor;
 		GrColorP3 = m_fillColor;
@@ -563,7 +564,6 @@ PageItem::PageItem(ScribusDoc *doc, Item
 			const ScColor& col = m_Doc->PageColors[m_Doc->itemToolPrefs().shapeFillColor];
 			QColor qcol = ScColorEngine::getRGBColor(col, m_Doc);
 			fill_gradient.addStop(qcol, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, m_Doc->itemToolPrefs().shapeFillColor, 100);
-			fill_gradient.addStop(qcol, 1.0, 0.5, 1.0, m_Doc->itemToolPrefs().shapeFillColor, 100);
 			GrColorP1 = m_Doc->itemToolPrefs().shapeFillColor;
 			GrColorP2 = m_Doc->itemToolPrefs().shapeFillColor;
 			GrColorP3 = m_Doc->itemToolPrefs().shapeFillColor;
@@ -576,7 +576,6 @@ PageItem::PageItem(ScribusDoc *doc, Item
 				const ScColor& col = m_Doc->PageColors[m_lineColor];
 				QColor qcol = ScColorEngine::getRGBColor(col, m_Doc);
 				fill_gradient.addStop(qcol, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, m_lineColor, 100);
-				fill_gradient.addStop(qcol, 1.0, 0.5, 1.0, m_lineColor, 100);
 				GrColorP1 = m_lineColor;
 				GrColorP2 = m_lineColor;
 				GrColorP3 = m_lineColor;
@@ -589,7 +588,6 @@ PageItem::PageItem(ScribusDoc *doc, Item
 					const ScColor& col = m_Doc->PageColors[m_Doc->itemToolPrefs().shapeLineColor];
 					QColor qcol = ScColorEngine::getRGBColor(col, m_Doc);
 					fill_gradient.addStop(qcol, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, m_Doc->itemToolPrefs().shapeLineColor, 100);
-					fill_gradient.addStop(qcol, 1.0, 0.5, 1.0, m_Doc->itemToolPrefs().shapeLineColor, 100);
 					GrColorP1 = m_Doc->itemToolPrefs().shapeLineColor;
 					GrColorP2 = m_Doc->itemToolPrefs().shapeLineColor;
 					GrColorP3 = m_Doc->itemToolPrefs().shapeLineColor;
@@ -600,7 +598,6 @@ PageItem::PageItem(ScribusDoc *doc, Item
 					const ScColor& col = m_Doc->PageColors["Black"];
 					QColor qcol = ScColorEngine::getRGBColor(col, m_Doc);
 					fill_gradient.addStop(qcol, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, "Black", 100);
-					fill_gradient.addStop(qcol, 1.0, 0.5, 1.0, "Black", 100);
 					GrColorP1 = "Black";
 					GrColorP2 = "Black";
 					GrColorP3 = "Black";
@@ -609,6 +606,10 @@ PageItem::PageItem(ScribusDoc *doc, Item
+	const ScColor& col_right = m_Doc->PageColors["White"];
+	QColor qcol_right = ScColorEngine::getRGBColor(col_right, m_Doc);
+        fill_gradient.addStop(qcol_right, 1.0, 0.5, 1.0, "White", 100);
 	GrMaskEndX = w;
 	mask_gradient = VGradient(VGradient::linear);
gradient.patch (3,432 bytes)   


2024-01-12 14:14

reporter   ~0050885

Revision with stroke gradients as well
gradient-2.patch (5,215 bytes)   
diff -Nurpd a/scribus/pageitem.cpp b/scribus/pageitem.cpp
--- a/scribus/pageitem.cpp	2024-01-07 18:07:06.000000000 +0100
+++ b/scribus/pageitem.cpp	2024-01-12 14:57:05.142550453 +0100
@@ -506,6 +506,7 @@ PageItem::PageItem(ScribusDoc *doc, Item
 	ImageIntent = Intent_Relative_Colorimetric;
 	m_layerID = m_Doc->activeLayer();
 	stroke_gradient = VGradient(VGradient::linear);
 	if (m_lineColor != CommonStrings::None)
@@ -513,36 +514,35 @@ PageItem::PageItem(ScribusDoc *doc, Item
 		const ScColor& col = m_Doc->PageColors[m_lineColor];
 		QColor qcol = ScColorEngine::getRGBColor(col, m_Doc);
 		stroke_gradient.addStop(qcol, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, m_lineColor, 100);
-		stroke_gradient.addStop(qcol, 1.0, 0.5, 1.0, m_lineColor, 100);
 	else if (m_Doc->itemToolPrefs().shapeLineColor != CommonStrings::None)
 		const ScColor& col = m_Doc->PageColors[m_Doc->itemToolPrefs().shapeLineColor];
 		QColor qcol = ScColorEngine::getRGBColor(col, m_Doc);
 		stroke_gradient.addStop(qcol, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, m_Doc->itemToolPrefs().shapeLineColor, 100);
-		stroke_gradient.addStop(qcol, 1.0, 0.5, 1.0, m_Doc->itemToolPrefs().shapeLineColor, 100);
 	else if (m_fillColor != CommonStrings::None)
 		const ScColor& col = m_Doc->PageColors[m_fillColor];
 		QColor qcol = ScColorEngine::getRGBColor(col, m_Doc);
 		stroke_gradient.addStop(qcol, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, m_fillColor, 100);
-		stroke_gradient.addStop(qcol, 1.0, 0.5, 1.0, m_fillColor, 100);
 	else if (m_Doc->itemToolPrefs().shapeFillColor != CommonStrings::None)
 		const ScColor& col = m_Doc->PageColors[m_Doc->itemToolPrefs().shapeFillColor];
 		QColor qcol = ScColorEngine::getRGBColor(col, m_Doc);
 		stroke_gradient.addStop(qcol, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, m_Doc->itemToolPrefs().shapeFillColor, 100);
-		stroke_gradient.addStop(qcol, 1.0, 0.5, 1.0, m_Doc->itemToolPrefs().shapeFillColor, 100);
 	else if (m_Doc->PageColors.contains("Black"))
 		const ScColor& col = m_Doc->PageColors["Black"];
 		QColor qcol = ScColorEngine::getRGBColor(col, m_Doc);
 		stroke_gradient.addStop(qcol, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, "Black", 100);
-		stroke_gradient.addStop(qcol, 1.0, 0.5, 1.0, "Black", 100);
+        const ScColor& col_stroke_right = m_Doc->PageColors["White"];
+        QColor qcol_stroke_right = ScColorEngine::getRGBColor(col_stroke_right, m_Doc);
+        stroke_gradient.addStop(qcol_stroke_right, 1.0, 0.5, 1.0, "White", 100);
 	fill_gradient = VGradient(VGradient::linear);
 	if (m_fillColor != CommonStrings::None)
@@ -550,7 +550,6 @@ PageItem::PageItem(ScribusDoc *doc, Item
 		const ScColor& col = m_Doc->PageColors[m_fillColor];
 		QColor qcol = ScColorEngine::getRGBColor(col, m_Doc);
 		fill_gradient.addStop(qcol, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, m_fillColor, 100);
-		fill_gradient.addStop(qcol, 1.0, 0.5, 1.0, m_fillColor, 100);
 		GrColorP1 = m_fillColor;
 		GrColorP2 = m_fillColor;
 		GrColorP3 = m_fillColor;
@@ -563,7 +562,6 @@ PageItem::PageItem(ScribusDoc *doc, Item
 			const ScColor& col = m_Doc->PageColors[m_Doc->itemToolPrefs().shapeFillColor];
 			QColor qcol = ScColorEngine::getRGBColor(col, m_Doc);
 			fill_gradient.addStop(qcol, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, m_Doc->itemToolPrefs().shapeFillColor, 100);
-			fill_gradient.addStop(qcol, 1.0, 0.5, 1.0, m_Doc->itemToolPrefs().shapeFillColor, 100);
 			GrColorP1 = m_Doc->itemToolPrefs().shapeFillColor;
 			GrColorP2 = m_Doc->itemToolPrefs().shapeFillColor;
 			GrColorP3 = m_Doc->itemToolPrefs().shapeFillColor;
@@ -576,7 +574,6 @@ PageItem::PageItem(ScribusDoc *doc, Item
 				const ScColor& col = m_Doc->PageColors[m_lineColor];
 				QColor qcol = ScColorEngine::getRGBColor(col, m_Doc);
 				fill_gradient.addStop(qcol, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, m_lineColor, 100);
-				fill_gradient.addStop(qcol, 1.0, 0.5, 1.0, m_lineColor, 100);
 				GrColorP1 = m_lineColor;
 				GrColorP2 = m_lineColor;
 				GrColorP3 = m_lineColor;
@@ -589,7 +586,6 @@ PageItem::PageItem(ScribusDoc *doc, Item
 					const ScColor& col = m_Doc->PageColors[m_Doc->itemToolPrefs().shapeLineColor];
 					QColor qcol = ScColorEngine::getRGBColor(col, m_Doc);
 					fill_gradient.addStop(qcol, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, m_Doc->itemToolPrefs().shapeLineColor, 100);
-					fill_gradient.addStop(qcol, 1.0, 0.5, 1.0, m_Doc->itemToolPrefs().shapeLineColor, 100);
 					GrColorP1 = m_Doc->itemToolPrefs().shapeLineColor;
 					GrColorP2 = m_Doc->itemToolPrefs().shapeLineColor;
 					GrColorP3 = m_Doc->itemToolPrefs().shapeLineColor;
@@ -600,7 +596,6 @@ PageItem::PageItem(ScribusDoc *doc, Item
 					const ScColor& col = m_Doc->PageColors["Black"];
 					QColor qcol = ScColorEngine::getRGBColor(col, m_Doc);
 					fill_gradient.addStop(qcol, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, "Black", 100);
-					fill_gradient.addStop(qcol, 1.0, 0.5, 1.0, "Black", 100);
 					GrColorP1 = "Black";
 					GrColorP2 = "Black";
 					GrColorP3 = "Black";
@@ -609,6 +604,10 @@ PageItem::PageItem(ScribusDoc *doc, Item
+	const ScColor& col_fill_right = m_Doc->PageColors["White"];
+	QColor qcol_fill_right = ScColorEngine::getRGBColor(col_fill_right, m_Doc);
+	fill_gradient.addStop(qcol_fill_right, 1.0, 0.5, 1.0, "White", 100);
 	GrMaskEndX = w;
 	mask_gradient = VGradient(VGradient::linear);
gradient-2.patch (5,215 bytes)   


2024-01-12 18:54

reporter   ~0050886

I just realized the default horizontal gradient orientation is probably very intentional, as it matches the gradient in the properties dock.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2023-08-12 18:48 pmjdebruijn New Issue
2023-08-14 16:45 pmjdebruijn Note Added: 0050310
2024-01-12 09:28 pmjdebruijn Note Added: 0050884
2024-01-12 09:28 pmjdebruijn File Added: gradient.patch
2024-01-12 14:14 pmjdebruijn Note Added: 0050885
2024-01-12 14:14 pmjdebruijn File Added: gradient-2.patch
2024-01-12 18:54 pmjdebruijn Note Added: 0050886