View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002384ScribusInternalpublic2006-07-03 20:17
ReporterringercAssigned Toavox  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Platformx86 LinuxOSFedora CoreOS Version3
Fixed in Version1.3.4cvs 
Summary0002384: PageItem::DrawObj does lots of non-drawing tasks, gets very convoluted
DescriptionPageItem::DrawObj is large and difficult to follow. It's very deeply nested in places, lacks documentation on what it's doing (some comments on branches and loops would help a *LOT*), and appears to do rather more than redraw the object.

In particular, it seems to handle text reflow. That's a performance issue as well as a code readability one.

This has been known for ages, but I'm filing it here "for posterity", so someone gets the pleasure of closing it, and so people hunting for interesting challenges will stumble across it.
TagsNo tags attached.


child of 0002382 acknowledged Metabug: Code quality, structure, readability 


There are no notes attached to this issue.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2005-08-03 16:38 ringerc New Issue
2005-08-03 16:38 ringerc Status new => confirmed
2005-08-03 16:38 ringerc Summary PageItem::DrawObj does lots of non-drawing tasks => PageItem::DrawObj does lots of non-drawing tasks, gets very convoluted
2005-08-03 16:38 ringerc Relationship added related to 0002382
2005-08-03 16:41 ringerc Relationship replaced child of 0002382
2006-07-02 22:25 avox Status confirmed => resolved
2006-07-02 22:25 avox Fixed in Version => 1.3.4cvs
2006-07-02 22:25 avox Resolution open => fixed
2006-07-02 22:25 avox Assigned To => avox
2006-07-03 20:17 cbradney Status resolved => closed