View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0004569ScribusGeneralpublic2007-07-02 23:24
Reporterchristoph_s Assigned To 
Status confirmedResolutionopen 
PlatformanyOSanyOS Versionany
Product Version1.3 
Summary0004569: Add a warning for the use of spot colours
DescriptionInadvertently using spot colour can become expensive. I therefore suugest to add an option to warn on the use of spot colours in a document, probably including the possibility to select the threshold for warnings (1, 2, 3 ... spot colours)
TagsNo tags attached.


has duplicate 0005970 closedjghali Add a warning for spot colours to the preflight check 



2007-07-02 23:23

viewer   ~0016730

Added to the roadmap, per discussion on IRC

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2006-11-21 14:20 christoph_s New Issue
2006-11-21 14:26 christoph_s Severity minor => feature
2006-11-21 14:26 christoph_s Product Version 1.3.0 => 1.3
2007-07-02 06:52 jghali Relationship added has duplicate 0005970
2007-07-02 23:23 plinnell Note Added: 0016730
2007-07-02 23:24 plinnell Status new => confirmed