View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0010178ScribusImport / Exportpublic2011-08-14 14:45
Reporteruser715Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
PlatformPCOSWindowsOS VersionXP
Summary0010178: import text with embedded (and maybe linked also) images
DescriptionImages embedded in text file (tried *.odt files) are lost when importing to Scribus.
It would be very useful to have a possibility to import text files _with_ images (it is possible to embed image frame in text in scribus, so, why not?)
TagsNo tags attached.



2011-08-14 14:25

manager   ~0026714

let's ask it the other way round: why?

i mean, what are the use cases, when you want to import an .odt file as is in scribus?

i mean, wouldn't it be better to produce the PDF from openoffice, then?

why are you importing it into scribus?

i'm not fundamentally against it, but i can't find a task, where you would want to do it *and* would have a real advantage in doing it...

it's just me?


2011-08-14 14:45


i'm making a chess periodical with lots of chess diagrams... it is very easy to make a mistake, when placing them in traditional way. it is much better for me to have them embedded in text file and imported together with text...
and specially - authors not agreed to let me place diagrams by myself ;)
i planned to use scribus, but because of above reasons i've had to do it using different app...

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2011-08-13 20:43 user715 New Issue
2011-08-14 14:25 ale Note Added: 0026714
2011-08-14 14:45 user715 Note Added: 0026715