Released 2025-01-24
0017473: [Fonts] Characters disappeared when opening "old" files (nitramr)
0017474: [General] Create 1.7.1+ file format loader to support new format changes (cbradney)
0017461: [General] Mixing || and && needs parentheses... (nitramr)
0017423: [User Interface] New text flow icons (nitramr)
0017391: [User Interface] Add Dark/Light theme switch to override automatic mode (nitramr)
0016150: [PDF] try harder to embed jpg images as is (cbradney)
0017449: [General] In the clipboard, refactor the detection of bold and italics (ale)
0017452: [Releases] Crash when trying to edit an inline element (jghali)
0017459: [Build System] Update AppRun and for Scribus 1.7 (ale)
0013991: [Shape Drawing] Node Editor lacks good multiple-node-selection functionality (nitramr)
0011676: [Shape Drawing] symmetrical control points doesn't support length deviation (nitramr)
0008884: [Shape Drawing] shortcut to delete shape's nodes (nitramr)
0017364: [Canvas] Improved Node Editing (nitramr)
0017375: [User Interface] Add a menu entry for "edit shape" (cbradney)
0017414: [User Interface] Change icon of page size (nitramr)
0017415: [Import / Export] Bad SVG Color import (cbradney)
0017419: [Usability] On activating the palettes / windows (nitramr)
0017421: [General] Replace icon ids in source code (nitramr)
0017433: [User Interface] New Document dialog: making bleeds proportional "removes" the margins from the page preview (nitramr)
0017440: [Story Editor / Text Frames] Enable HTML Text to be pasted as plain text (cbradney)
0001832: [User Interface] page palette: show the page indicator for the left page not on the left side of the palette bur near the middle line (nitramr)
0001613: [General] Add in ability to enter RGBA value for colours (cbradney)
0014170: [Graphics / Image Frames] Colors are lost when importing SVG images that use CSS styles (cbradney)
0008543: [Canvas] add number to the document windows in the windows menu (cbradney)
0008100: [User Interface] Two-Way Arrow for line-handle movement is broken (nitramr)
0010661: [Story Editor / Text Frames] Pasting from MacOSX Pages discards text formatting. (cbradney)
0017346: [User Interface] Missing tooltips and UI fixes (nitramr)
0000211: [Story Editor / Text Frames] Ability to add before and after vertical space to a paragraph without using a style (nitramr)
0017393: [User Interface] Make the Align and distribute tool more comfortable to use (ale)
0016629: [Import / Export] Problem with SVG 1.0 import (cbradney)
0017402: [User Interface] Simplify the choice of the layout in the "New Document" dialog (ale)
0017403: [Usability] Changing line spacing mode resets font family value (jghali)
32 issues View Issues
Released 2025-01-07
0017460: [Master Pages] Inserted page number does not appear in Master Pages other than Normal in sigle page and Normal Left in facing page view (jghali)
0017420: [PDF] Checkbox renders incorrectly on some PDF viewers (e.g. MS Edge build in viewer) (jghali)
0017424: [Integration] Prevent hyphenation dialog from opening when running with --no-gui (jghali)
0017429: [Story Editor / Text Frames] In the lists, the character offset should never be negative (cbradney)
0017436: [PDF] Avoid custom font encodings when embedding TTF fonts in PDF (jghali)
0017447: [General] Notes Style Editor crashes (jghali)
0017298: [Scripter] Add functions for getting and setting the size of the current page, and getting the bounding box of a page item (jghali)
0017395: [Import / Export] PDF/X-1a:2001 opens as all colors completely black (jghali)
0017398: [Scripter] Add script methods for getting and setting min word kerning/tracking on a frame (jghali)
0017405: [Build System] Build error with poppler 25.02.0 (jghali)
0017406: [PDF] Exported PDF/X-4 not read by Adobe Acrobat and Microsoft Edge (jghali)
0017383: [Scripter] isLayerLocked scripter function returns opposite of expected value (cbradney)
12 issues View Issues
Released 2024-06-15
0009656: [Canvas] impossible to move a guide if you click over an item (jghali)
1 issue View Issues
0011608: [General] non deterministic layout with hysteresis (cbradney)
0014528: [User Interface] scribus-indigo experimental svg icon loader (nitramr)
2 issues View Issues