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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0017419ScribusUsabilitypublic2025-02-15 06:51
Reporterale Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Product Version1.7.1.svn 
Summary0017419: On activating the palettes / windows
DescriptionNow that the most important "tool" windows and palettes are supposed to be anchored in tabs in the side panels, there is a smaller but rather disturbing misbehavior:

if a tab is currently inactive (hidden behind the one that is active), using the menus or the shortcut keys to activate them, will end in the tab being removed.

the correct behavior would be to bring it in the foreground.

the new behavior should apply to all the current ways to hide and show window:

- menus
- action search
- keyboard shortcut
TagsNo tags attached.



2025-02-15 06:51

manager   ~0052056

Here some further thoughts:

- if the window is floating the current behavior is fine.
- if the window is docked but hidden, the window shall be brought to the foreground.
- when the palette is already in the foreground, i'm not sure, if there is a need for removing the window from the panel with the key press or menu (the close button in the tab (or making it floating and the closing) might be enough and less "unexpected" for the user)
  (now that i think about it: if you try to bring to the foreground a tab that is already displayed it might "pulsate" : - )

seems simple to implement (if there is a "simple" way to detect if the tab is attached somewhere and in foreground / background...

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-02-15 06:43 ale New Issue
2025-02-15 06:51 ale Note Added: 0052056