View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0017433ScribusUser Interfacepublic2025-03-01 21:20
Reporterale Assigned Tonitramr  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Product Version1.7.1.svn 
Fixed in Version1.7.1.svn 
Summary0017433: New Document dialog: making bleeds proportional "removes" the margins from the page preview
DescriptionIn the "New Document" dialog, making the bleeds proportional triggers a redraw of the page preview in the top right corner.

This refresh does not draw the page margins.
TagsNo tags attached.



2025-03-01 08:15


bleeds-proportional.gif (176,279 bytes)   
bleeds-proportional.gif (176,279 bytes)   


2025-03-01 19:04

developer   ~0052145

There was an incorrectly connected slot.

Independent of the fix, I have enhanced the page preview. Now the bleed is also drawn, and the margin color is now used from the user preferences.
newdoc_2025-03-01_01.patch (3,826 bytes)   
Index: scribus/ui/newdocdialog.cpp
--- scribus/ui/newdocdialog.cpp	(Revision 26733)
+++ scribus/ui/newdocdialog.cpp	(Arbeitskopie)
@@ -118,7 +118,8 @@
 	connect(listPageFormats, &PageSizeList::clicked, this, &NewDocDialog::changePageSize);
 	connect(pageSizeSelector, &PageSizeSelector::pageCategoryChanged, this, &NewDocDialog::changeCategory);
 	connect(marginGroup, &NewMarginWidget::marginChanged, this, &NewDocDialog::changeMargin);
-	connect(bleedGroup, &NewMarginWidget::marginChanged, this, &NewDocDialog::changeMargin);
+	connect(bleedGroup, &NewMarginWidget::marginChanged, this, &NewDocDialog::changeBleed);
+	connect(bleedGroup, &NewMarginWidget::valuesChanged, this, &NewDocDialog::changeBleed);
 	connect(comboSortSizes, &QComboBox::currentIndexChanged, this, &NewDocDialog::changeSortMode);
 	if (startUp)
Index: scribus/ui/newmarginwidget.cpp
--- scribus/ui/newmarginwidget.cpp	(Revision 26733)
+++ scribus/ui/newmarginwidget.cpp	(Arbeitskopie)
@@ -390,10 +390,11 @@
 	m_facingPages = facing;
 	m_pageType = pageType;
-	leftMarginLabel->setText( m_facingPages ? tr("Inside") : tr("Left"));
-	rightMarginLabel->setText( m_facingPages ? tr("Outside") : tr("Right"));
+	leftMarginLabel->setText( m_facingPages ? tr("Inside") : tr("Left"));
+	rightMarginLabel->setText( m_facingPages ? tr("Outside") : tr("Right"));
+	iconSetChange();
Index: scribus/ui/widgets/pagesizepreview.cpp
--- scribus/ui/widgets/pagesizepreview.cpp	(Revision 26733)
+++ scribus/ui/widgets/pagesizepreview.cpp	(Arbeitskopie)
@@ -12,7 +12,8 @@
 	QColor colPage = PrefsManager::instance().appPrefs.displayPrefs.paperColor;
 	QColor colBackground = PrefsManager::instance().appPrefs.displayPrefs.scratchColor;
-	QColor colMargin(Qt::blue);
+	QColor colMargin = PrefsManager::instance().appPrefs.guidesPrefs.marginColor;
+	QColor colBleed(Qt::gray);
 	QColor colFrame(Qt::black);
 	QColor colLabel(Qt::white);
 	QColor colLabelBackground(0, 0, 0, 128);
@@ -35,26 +36,45 @@
 		QRect rPage(rectPaper.x() + pageSize.width() * i , rectPaper.y(), pageSize.width(), pageSize.height());
 		QRect rMargin;
+		QRect rBleed;
 		// Left Page
 		if (i == 0 && count > 1)
 			rMargin.setLeft(rPage.left() + m_margins.right() * ratio);
-			rMargin.setRight(rPage.right() - m_margins.left() * ratio);	
+			rMargin.setRight(rPage.right() - m_margins.left() * ratio);
+			rBleed.setLeft(rPage.left() - m_bleeds.left() * ratio);
+			rBleed.setRight(rPage.right());
-		// Right and Single Page
+		// Right Page
+		else if (i == 1 && count > 1)
+		{
+			rMargin.setLeft(rPage.left() + m_margins.left() * ratio);
+			rMargin.setRight(rPage.right() - m_margins.right() * ratio);
+			rBleed.setLeft(rPage.left());
+			rBleed.setRight(rPage.right() + m_bleeds.right() * ratio);
+		}
+		// Single Page
 			rMargin.setLeft(rPage.left() + m_margins.left() * ratio);
 			rMargin.setRight(rPage.right() - m_margins.right() * ratio);
+			rBleed.setLeft(rPage.left() - m_bleeds.left() * ratio);
+			rBleed.setRight(rPage.right() + m_bleeds.right() * ratio);
 		rMargin.setTop( + * ratio);
 		rMargin.setBottom(rPage.bottom() - m_margins.bottom() * ratio);
+		rBleed.setTop( - * ratio);
+		rBleed.setBottom(rPage.bottom() + m_bleeds.bottom() * ratio);
+		// Draw Bleeds
+		painter.setBrush( colPage );
+		painter.setPen( QPen(colBleed, 1, Qt::DashLine) );
+		painter.drawRect( rBleed );
 		// Draw Pages
-		painter.setBrush( colPage );
+		painter.setBrush( Qt::NoBrush );
 		painter.setPen( QPen(colFrame) );
 		painter.drawRect( rPage );
newdoc_2025-03-01_01.patch (3,826 bytes)   


2025-03-01 21:20

manager   ~0052146

eh eh...

i also thought today, that it would nice to find out if it was possible to take that value from the preferences : - )

thanks for fixing it!

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-03-01 08:15 ale New Issue
2025-03-01 08:15 ale File Added: bleeds-proportional.gif
2025-03-01 19:01 nitramr Assigned To => nitramr
2025-03-01 19:01 nitramr Status new => assigned
2025-03-01 19:01 nitramr Patch No => Yes
2025-03-01 19:04 nitramr Note Added: 0052145
2025-03-01 19:04 nitramr File Added: newdoc_2025-03-01_01.patch
2025-03-01 20:54 cbradney Status assigned => resolved
2025-03-01 20:54 cbradney Resolution open => fixed
2025-03-01 20:54 cbradney Fixed in Version => 1.7.1.svn
2025-03-01 21:20 ale Note Added: 0052146