View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0013991ScribusShape Drawingpublic2025-03-23 21:04
ReporterGarryP Assigned Tonitramr  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
PlatformPCOSWindowsOS Version64-bit Home
Product Version1.4.6 
Target Version1.7 milestoneFixed in Version1.7.1.svn 
Summary0013991: Node Editor lacks good multiple-node-selection functionality
DescriptionWhen using the Node Editor you can move nodes individually by dragging the node. You can also drag two "attached" nodes by dragging the segment between them.

However, dragging multiple nodes is difficult. You can move some nodes by putting a selection box around them and then using the cursor keys to nudge them around but this is only possible if you can "lasso" only the nodes you want and you still can't use the mouse for dragging.

It would be very useful to be able to select multiple nodes - using SHIFT-CLICK as you would select multiple objects - and drag them together with the mouse.


related to 0007753 new Shape editing: delete several nodes 
related to 0017364 closednitramr Improved Node Editing 



2016-04-28 15:51

updater   ~0040579

it's the same in scribus 1.5.1 (macOS 10.11.4)


2025-03-23 21:04

developer   ~0052310

Shift click is now implemented.

Unselect + shift click = selected
Selected + shift click = unselected

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2016-04-28 08:59 GarryP New Issue
2016-04-28 15:30 Kunda Relationship added related to 0007753
2016-04-28 15:30 Kunda Tag Attached: nodes
2016-04-28 15:51 utnik Note Added: 0040579
2025-01-05 21:32 nitramr Relationship added related to 0017364
2025-03-23 21:04 nitramr Assigned To => nitramr
2025-03-23 21:04 nitramr Status new => closed
2025-03-23 21:04 nitramr Resolution open => fixed
2025-03-23 21:04 nitramr Fixed in Version => 1.7.1.svn
2025-03-23 21:04 nitramr Target Version => 1.7 milestone
2025-03-23 21:04 nitramr Note Added: 0052310