View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0001077ScribusFontspublic2025-03-13 09:59
Reporterpacketbell Assigned To 
Status acknowledgedResolutionopen 
Product Version1.3 
Summary0001077: Select font or style for boldface, italics dialog
DescriptionA dialog that appears when pasting text from another application that contains boldfaced or italics formatting:

"Please select a font or paragraph style you would like to use for boldfaced text"

"Please select a font or paragraph style you would like to use for italics text"



2025-03-13 09:59

manager   ~0052206

we now have an heuristic for this and we probably will improve it, without the need of a popup.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2004-09-14 18:39 packetbell New Issue
2005-06-26 08:29 ringerc Relationship added related to 0000020
2005-06-26 08:30 ringerc Relationship deleted related to 0000020
2006-02-07 21:16 plinnell Priority normal => low
2006-02-07 21:16 plinnell Status new => acknowledged
2025-03-13 09:59 ale Note Added: 0052206
2025-03-13 09:59 ale Tag Attached: #tobeclosed