View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000117ScribusImport / Exportpublic2004-09-20 22:52
ReporterplinnellAssigned ToTsoots  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Fixed in Version1.2 
Summary0000117: HTML importer
DescriptionWould be nice to be able to import clean well formed html and xhtml into Scribus.
Additional InformationA cuople of python scripts exists for basic importing.
TagsNo tags attached.


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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2004-01-05 02:23 plinnell New Issue
2004-07-05 00:01 cbradney Status new => assigned
2004-07-05 00:01 cbradney Assigned To => Tsoots
2004-09-20 10:21 cbradney Status assigned => resolved
2004-09-20 10:21 cbradney Fixed in Version => 1.2
2004-09-20 10:21 cbradney Resolution open => fixed
2004-09-20 22:52 cbradney Status resolved => closed