View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0011989ScribusUndo/Redopublic2024-11-22 17:42
ReporterJLuc Assigned To 
Status confirmedResolutionopen 
Product Version1.5.6.svn 
Target Version1.5.5 
Summary0011989: Undo/Redo does not record Glyph insertion
DescriptionAfter inserting a glyph with the preselected glyphs table of the glyph palette,
"Undo" undoes the previous action, not the glyph insertion.
Steps To Reproduce0) Create a new document
1) Insert a Text Frame
2) Insert some Sample Text (Insert > Sample Text)
3) Select the Text Frame and open the Story Editor (Ctrl+T)
4) Go to: Insert > Insert Glyph... insert a glyph, update the Text Frame and close the Story Editor
5) Undo ; nothing happens

3) Open the "Insert Glyph palette" (> Insert > character)
4) Double click one of the glyphs : it is inserted
5) Undo : the text frame is uncreated

Additional InformationTested with 1.5.0.svn (19332)


related to 0016344 new Undo not working for insertChars() 
child of 0012500 acknowledged Metabug: Undo/Redo (1.5.x.svn) 



2015-05-18 10:12

developer   ~0035157

Confirmed today.

Same happens when Insert Glyph is called in visual edit mode (not in SE).


2016-04-03 08:33

developer   ~0039726

Same with 1.5.2


2024-11-18 13:52

reporter   ~0051587

This is still the case for 1.6.2

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2014-01-17 21:49 JLuc New Issue
2014-01-17 21:50 JLuc Tag Attached: undo
2014-07-09 01:39 FirasH Relationship added child of 0012500
2014-07-10 17:04 FirasH Reproducibility have not tried => always
2014-07-10 17:04 FirasH Status new => confirmed
2014-07-10 17:04 FirasH Summary Undo on preselected glyph insert => Undo/Redo does not record Glyph insertion
2014-07-10 17:04 FirasH Description Updated
2014-07-10 17:04 FirasH Steps to Reproduce Updated
2014-07-10 17:04 FirasH Additional Information Updated
2015-05-18 10:12 JLuc Note Added: 0035157
2016-01-20 01:13 Kunda Patch => No
2016-01-20 01:13 Kunda Target Version => 1.5.2
2016-01-23 17:15 cbradney Target Version 1.5.2 => 1.5.4.svn
2016-04-03 08:33 JLuc Note Added: 0039726
2016-05-15 23:02 Kunda Target Version 1.5.4.svn => 1.5.5
2020-09-26 19:40 JLuc Steps to Reproduce Updated
2020-09-26 19:40 JLuc Product Version 1.5.0svn => 1.5.6.svn
2024-11-18 13:52 luzpaz Note Added: 0051587
2024-11-22 17:42 nitramr Relationship added related to 0016344