View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0014019ScribusLanguage Toolspublic2016-12-27 11:51
ReporterPier Luigi Assigned Tocbradney  
Status confirmedResolutionopen 
Product Version1.5.2.svn 
Target Version1.6 milestone 
Summary0014019: Readme file for permission of hyphenator file
DescriptionHere is the readme file for the folder hyphen, where is specification of the file, the licence and the name of the author.
Tags#pending, license


related to 0005322 closedcbradney Hyphenation patterns distributed without license and copyright information 
related to 0014449 assignedcbradney Licensing information for fonts is missing in the Resource Manager 
child of 0014498 assignedKunda READMEs needed 


Pier Luigi

2016-05-03 18:04


README_eo_EO.txt (270 bytes)   
Ĉi tiu ŝablonaro por vortodivido estis unue farita de Sergio Pokrovskij por TeX kaj deponita ĉe teTeX (en 1999); poste adaptita por Hyphenator, {Open,Libre}Office, Mozilla kaj Scribus.

Ĉio disponeblas libere laŭ GPL-2.0.

Sergio Pokrovskij, 2016-05-02
README_eo_EO.txt (270 bytes)   


2016-05-03 21:11

administrator   ~0040750

Will this dictionary be included here at some point?

Pier Luigi

2016-05-04 13:55

reporter   ~0040768

In the readme there is written that this hiphenator originally was written for Tex and afterwards adapted for Libre/Open/Office, mozilla and finally for Scribus, so I don't think there will be a problem to include it into those dictionaries. I can't speak about licences, because I'm not expert, If you want, I can send you the e-mail of the author, and you can ask him (he can speak english too).


2016-05-04 21:49

updater   ~0040779

Pier Luigi, can you ask him to participate in this thread ?

Pier Luigi

2016-05-05 17:03

reporter   ~0040800

Sorry, I don't want to push him to get an account, (maybe one more), he was so kind patiently to answer me (He's available to answer directly, if needed). He told me that some time ago he made a hiphenator module for Open/Libre Office, here
He made it available but he doesn't have contact with the official team.
If useful, you can use it. The same you can do with the ispell dictionary (GNU licence) here:
I'm available if you need some translation from his site.


2016-12-07 17:34

updater   ~0042774

assigned to craig.
I need to link the ticket regarding hyphenator permission/licenses as well. 0005322

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2016-05-03 18:04 Pier Luigi New Issue
2016-05-03 18:04 Pier Luigi File Added: README_eo_EO.txt
2016-05-03 21:11 cbradney Note Added: 0040750
2016-05-04 13:55 Pier Luigi Note Added: 0040768
2016-05-04 21:49 Kunda Note Added: 0040779
2016-05-05 17:03 Pier Luigi Note Added: 0040800
2016-12-07 17:34 Kunda Assigned To => cbradney
2016-12-07 17:34 Kunda Status new => confirmed
2016-12-07 17:34 Kunda Target Version => 1.6 milestone
2016-12-07 17:34 Kunda Note Added: 0042774
2016-12-07 17:35 Kunda Relationship added related to 0005322
2016-12-07 17:35 Kunda Tag Attached: #pending
2016-12-11 11:39 Kunda Relationship added related to 0014449
2016-12-11 11:58 Kunda Tag Attached: license
2016-12-27 11:51 Kunda Relationship added child of 0014498