View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0015124ScribusStylespublic2025-02-16 15:42
Reporterscyg Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
PlatformLinuxOSLinux MintOS Version18.1 Cinnamon 64
Product Version1.5.3 
Summary0015124: Drop caps style fails randomly
DescriptionWhen using drop caps on a paragraph style, the following text jumps around randomly - either offsetting into the next column or clashing with the drop cap. The "distance from text" setting doesn't work in any sort of predictable way to correct the problem.
Steps To ReproduceTurn on drop caps in a style, select character style to use for the leading character.



2018-02-02 13:01



2018-02-02 13:03

administrator   ~0044904

Please provide a sample document, that will make it easier to reproduce the issue.


2018-02-02 13:04

reporter   ~0044905

Please also note the letter substitution - the first letter should obviously be "L" from "Lorem ipsum"


2018-02-02 13:08

reporter   ~0044906

Here is a file with the styles as shown in the image above


2018-02-02 13:17

administrator   ~0044907



2018-02-02 13:21

reporter   ~0044908

Trying to attach file again.
Bug report 0015124.sla (23,601 bytes)


2018-02-02 13:44

administrator   ~0044910



2018-02-04 00:17

administrator   ~0044912

I committed a first fix which correct the drop cap glyph substitution. Currently I can still not explain the incorrect offset. For some reason, the issue seems to occur here only when using PostScript fonts.


2018-02-04 15:06

administrator   ~0044914

There is at least a workaround: your Headline Font style has a nonsensical value for font size. Set it to 10 and your issue goes away.


2025-02-16 15:30

reporter   ~0052063

I came here with a similar issue. I created a character style for the drop caps with a font size of 3x the body text (36pt for body text of 12pt). I had to choose a font size when creating a character style. Choosing the intended size seemed logical. As can be seen in the example this created a rendering where the second line crossed the capital.
Changing the font size of the dropcap character style to 12pt, same as the body text, fixed the issue.
I'm using Scribus 1.5.8 from Debian. If this has not been address in one of the newer versions, I suggest to change the software to ignore the font size set in the character style.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2018-02-02 13:01 scyg New Issue
2018-02-02 13:01 scyg File Added: Screenshot from 2018-02-02 06-57-43.jpg
2018-02-02 13:01 scyg Tag Attached: dropcap
2018-02-02 13:03 jghali Note Added: 0044904
2018-02-02 13:04 scyg Note Added: 0044905
2018-02-02 13:08 scyg Note Added: 0044906
2018-02-02 13:17 jghali Note Added: 0044907
2018-02-02 13:21 scyg File Added: Bug report 0015124.sla
2018-02-02 13:21 scyg Note Added: 0044908
2018-02-02 13:44 jghali Note Added: 0044910
2018-02-04 00:17 jghali Note Added: 0044912
2018-02-04 15:06 jghali Note Added: 0044914
2025-02-16 15:30 nicorikken Note Added: 0052063
2025-02-16 15:30 nicorikken File Added: Schermafdruk van 2025-02-16 16-24-42.png