View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0015210ScribusGeneralpublic2018-03-21 08:41
Reporterjaakhillen Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
PlatformpcOSwindowsOS Version7/10
Product Version1.5.3 
Summary0015210: Crashes when text frame with foot note is cut and pasted
DescriptionWhen you enter a footnote in a text and you cut the text frame, and you paste it again then:
scribus crashes due to the following exception
and Crash.
Steps To ReproduceMake a text frame.
Add a few words.
Add a footnote.
Click outside the text frame
Click on the text frame = selecting
the following text appears:
scribus crashes due to the following exception, EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION
you are asked to close the programm or to find a solution on the internet
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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2018-03-21 07:42 jaakhillen New Issue
2018-03-21 08:41 jghali Summary Crashes when text frame with foot note is cuttet and pastet => Crashes when text frame with foot note is cut and pasted