View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0015380ScribusLanguage Toolspublic2023-12-24 10:00
Reporterkatdeas Assigned Tocbradney  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
PlatformMac OSOSXOS Version13.5
Product Version1.4.6 
Fixed in Version1.6.0.svn 
Summary0015380: Can´t paste Spanish content
DescriptionWhenever I paste spanish content, the specific accents will not paste correctly, producing spaces rather than the letters with accents (including ñ as well as ¿ etc.). My solution at the moment is to manually correct the text into the Editing Text tool.
Steps To Reproduce1. I copy spanish language content and paste it into the simple version of TextEdit, in order to get unformatted text
2. I copy the unformatted text and paste it into the Scribus Editing Text box, where I can see the content correctly
3. when I close the editing text box, my document revels the content with spaces. The spaces are where the letters with accents should have shown.
4. I modify the content manually within the document itself
Additional InformationI changed the document language to spanish, although the content is in both languages
TagsNo tags attached.



2018-07-17 20:27


Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2018-07-17 20:27 katdeas New Issue
2018-07-17 20:27 katdeas File Added: Screen Shot 2018-07-17 at 21.26.13.png
2018-07-17 20:27 katdeas File Added: Screen Shot 2018-07-17 at 21.26.27.png
2018-07-17 20:27 katdeas File Added: Screen Shot 2018-07-17 at 21.26.50.png
2023-12-20 22:10 cbradney Assigned To => cbradney
2023-12-20 22:10 cbradney Status new => resolved
2023-12-20 22:10 cbradney Resolution open => fixed
2023-12-20 22:10 cbradney Fixed in Version => 1.6.0.svn
2023-12-24 10:00 cbradney Status resolved => closed