View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0015386ScribusUser Interfacepublic2024-12-28 07:43
Reporterbasse Assigned Tocbradney  
Status closedResolutionunable to reproduce 
Product Version1.5.4.svn 
Summary0015386: toolbars and panels look huge
DescriptionThis is small computer 1366x768, so I know it's not optimal at all for this kind of work, but Scribus UI fonts and widgets seem really huge! if you compare to the menu font size (which is correct).
I uploaded a screenshot to show the problem.

I'm running Xubuntu, so default interface mostly is gtk.. so maybe it has something to do with that?


TagsNo tags attached.



2018-07-27 12:27


Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2018-07-27 12:27 basse New Issue
2018-07-27 12:27 basse File Added: Screenshot_2018-07-27_15-19-14.png
2024-12-28 07:43 cbradney Assigned To => cbradney
2024-12-28 07:43 cbradney Status new => closed
2024-12-28 07:43 cbradney Resolution open => unable to reproduce