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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0015525ScribusUser Interfacepublic2019-01-04 08:56
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Status newResolutionopen 
Summary0015525: frame creation: after the first click, wait for a second click
Descriptionthe preferred way to create a frame is by click and drag. (if i have to be honest, i would promote the shift-click, but i have to be realistic...)

in the past, a single click used to make a dialog pop up and the behavior has now been improved and scribus directly creates a frame of a default size.

during a (mostly) unrelated search in the internets, i stumbled on a discussion that lead me to think, that a better behavior would be to wait for a second click:

if a "simple" click is detected, scribus should go into drag mode and wait for a second click.
the frame is then created in the area "between" the first and second click.
Additional Informationwhy am i proposing this?

when reading cédric's manuals (and partially also from my personal experience), it seems that for many new users scribus is the first professional tool (or a scribus manual / course is the first time they get a "serious" training).

when introducing them to scribus we have to explain what a click and drag is (don't get me started on the right click...). we should try to avoid that, if we can.

it looks like that there are enough people around who still struggle with their mouse...
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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2019-01-04 08:56 ale New Issue