View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0015777ScribusGeneralpublic2019-08-19 06:09
ReporterOmar Assigned To 
PrioritynormalSeverityfeatureReproducibilityhave not tried
Status newResolutionopen 
OSwindows 10 
Product Version1.5.6.svn 
Summary0015777: Insert a form or option for data merge
DescriptionI found the option useful in adobe indesign DATA MERGE, for variable insert, in the design to make many sheets or documents quickly.
Even making cards like nandeck, can you introduce it into scribus? like this
you can contact the author of nandeck anywhere. twitter or directly to the site.
ps : they use a csv , we can use .ods

adobe indesign for document
TagsNo tags attached.



2019-08-19 06:09

manager   ~0046484

hi omar,

i don't understand what exactly are you missing in the scribus generator...

and i guess that if the author of nandeck wants to support scribus he is free to do so and generate files that work with the scribus generator.
personally, i will not get in touch with the author of a non-free windows-only software, but feel free to ask her for a scribus (generator) friendly output.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2019-08-18 19:45 Omar New Issue
2019-08-18 23:08 jghali Summary INSERT A FORM OR OPTION FOR DATA-MERGE ON SCRIBUS , FOR PROFESSIONAL USE. => Insert a form or option for data merge
2019-08-18 23:09 jghali Patch Yes => No
2019-08-18 23:09 jghali Category Templates => General
2019-08-19 06:09 ale Note Added: 0046484