View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0015858ScribusGeneralpublic2021-11-09 21:39
Reporterale Assigned Tocbradney  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Product Version1.5.6.svn 
Fixed in Version1.5.8.svn 
Summary0015858: use https for the links in about > online dialog
Descriptionit's not a big issue, since (most) sites automatically redirect to https...
but it feels better and it's easy to fix.

and please please please, fix the ssl certifcate for the forums before changing the protocol for the forums!
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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2019-10-18 16:06 ale New Issue
2019-10-19 06:18 jghali Category - => General
2021-10-27 19:40 cbradney Assigned To => cbradney
2021-10-27 19:40 cbradney Status new => resolved
2021-10-27 19:40 cbradney Resolution open => fixed
2021-10-27 19:40 cbradney Fixed in Version => 1.5.8.svn
2021-11-09 21:39 cbradney Status resolved => closed