View Issue Details
ID | Project | Category | View Status | Date Submitted | Last Update |
0016348 | Scribus | Story Editor / Text Frames | public | 2020-11-20 06:41 | 2025-03-13 10:13 |
Reporter | sreerajp | Assigned To | |||
Priority | none | Severity | feature | Reproducibility | N/A |
Status | new | Resolution | open | ||
Platform | Windows | OS | 10 | OS Version | 1909 |
Product Version | 1.5.7.svn | ||||
Summary | 0016348: Paste without formatting for Scribus | ||||
Description | We have done a paste without formatting while pasting content from clipboard. Please find the code below. If useful this can be incorporated in Scribus. Only issue is that Redo is not proper void NewsPaper::pasteFromClipboard() { UndoManager* const undoMgr = UndoManager::instance(); undoMgr->setUndoEnabled(true); UndoTransaction activeTransaction; UndoTransaction activeDelTransaction; if(!checkDoc()) return; ScribusDoc *doc = ScCore->primaryMainWindow()->doc; if (!doc->inAnEditMode()) return; ScribusMainWindow* win = ScCore->primaryMainWindow(); if (win->ClipB == nullptr) { return; } QString newText = win->ClipB->text(); if (newText.size() == 0) return; PageItem *item = selectedItem(); if (item == nullptr) return; int pos = item->itemText.cursorPosition(); int firstSelected = item->itemText.startOfSelection(); int lastSelected = item->itemText.endOfSelection(); int n = newText.size(); if (lastSelected < 0) { /* Start of changes by Sreeraj P on 17th November 2020 - Applying paragraph style from cursor position */ int stylePos = firstSelected; if (pos > 0) { stylePos = pos-1; } else { stylePos = pos; } const CharStyle cstyle = item->itemText.charStyle(stylePos); const ParagraphStyle pstyle = item->itemText.paragraphStyle(stylePos); if (UndoManager::undoEnabled()) { PageItem* currItem = ScCore->primaryMainWindow()->doc->m_Selection->itemAt(0); QString targetName = (ScCore->primaryMainWindow()->doc->m_Selection->count() > 1) ? Um::SelectionGroup : currItem->getUName(); QPixmap* targetPixmap = (ScCore->primaryMainWindow()->doc->m_Selection->count() > 1) ? Um::IGroup : currItem->getUPixmap(); activeTransaction = undoMgr->beginTransaction(targetName, targetPixmap, Um::InsertText, "Inserting text", nullptr); //SimpleState* ss = dynamic_cast<SimpleState*>(undoMgr->getLastUndo()); ScItemState<CharStyle>* ss = new ScItemState<CharStyle>(Um::InsertText, "", Um::ICreate); //ss = new SimpleState(Um::InsertText, "", Um::ICreate); ss->set("INSERT_FRAMETEXT"); ss->set("ETEA", QString("insert_frametext")); ss->set("TEXT_STR", newText); ss->set("START", pos); ss->setItem(cstyle); undoMgr->action(currItem, ss); } item->itemText.insertChars(pos, newText, false); item->, newText.length(), true); if (activeTransaction) activeTransaction.commit(); undoMgr->setUndoEnabled(false); if (&cstyle != nullptr) { item->itemText.setCharStyle(pos, newText.length(), cstyle); } item->, newText.length(), true); if (&pstyle != nullptr) { doc->itemSelection_ApplyParagraphStyle(pstyle); } item->itemText.setCursorPosition(pos + n); /* End of changes by Sreeraj P on 17th November 2020 - Applying paragraph style from cursor position */ undoMgr->setUndoEnabled(true); } else { /* Start of changes by Sreeraj P on 17th November 2020 - Crashing while trying to apply character style */ const CharStyle cstyle = item->itemText.charStyle(firstSelected); const ParagraphStyle pstyle = item->itemText.paragraphStyle(firstSelected); //(firstSelected + lastSelected) / 2 PageItem* currItem = ScCore->primaryMainWindow()->doc->m_Selection->itemAt(0); QString targetName = (ScCore->primaryMainWindow()->doc->m_Selection->count() > 1) ? Um::SelectionGroup : currItem->getUName(); QPixmap* targetPixmap = (ScCore->primaryMainWindow()->doc->m_Selection->count() > 1) ? Um::IGroup : currItem->getUPixmap(); if (UndoManager::undoEnabled()) { activeDelTransaction = undoMgr->beginTransaction(targetName, targetPixmap, Um::ReplaceText, "Replacing text", nullptr); ScItemState<CharStyle>* is = new ScItemState<CharStyle>(Um::DeleteText, "", Um::IDelete); is->set("DELETE_FRAMETEXT"); is->set("ETEA", QString("delete_frametext")); is->set("TEXT_STR", item->itemText.selectedText()); is->set("START", firstSelected); is->setItem(cstyle); undoMgr->action(currItem, is); //activeTransaction = undoMgr->beginTransaction(targetName, targetPixmap, Um::InsertText, "Inserting text", nullptr); //SimpleState* ss = dynamic_cast<SimpleState*>(undoMgr->getLastUndo()); ScItemState<CharStyle>* ss = new ScItemState<CharStyle>(Um::InsertText, "", Um::ICreate); //ss = new SimpleState(Um::InsertText, "", Um::ICreate); ss->set("INSERT_FRAMETEXT"); ss->set("ETEA", QString("insert_frametext")); ss->set("TEXT_STR", newText); ss->set("START", firstSelected); ss->setItem(cstyle); undoMgr->action(currItem, ss); } item->itemText.replaceSelection(newText); item->, newText.length(), true); if (activeDelTransaction) activeDelTransaction.commit(); undoMgr->setUndoEnabled(false); if (&cstyle != nullptr) { item->itemText.setCharStyle(firstSelected, n, cstyle); } item->, newText.length(), true); if (&pstyle != nullptr) { doc->itemSelection_ApplyParagraphStyle(pstyle); } /* End of changes by Sreeraj P on 17th November 2020 - Crashing while trying to apply character style */ item->itemText.setCursorPosition(pos+n); undoMgr->setUndoEnabled(true); } item->itemText.invalidateAll(); item->update(); //----------------------------------------- ScCore->primaryMainWindow()->toggleColumnBorders(); ScCore->primaryMainWindow()->toggleColumnBorders(); return; } | ||||
Tags | #tobeclosed | ||||
Patch | Yes | ||||
related to | 0011814 | confirmed | Managing styles when pasting an object coming from another document | |
related to | 0011574 | confirmed | Usability : Pasting text should not paste the paragraph style | |
related to | 0005320 | confirmed | Copy/Paste between docs may create unneccessary line styles | |
related to | 0003345 | new | Paste text without formatting |
Updated the source code. Previous one caused crashing of Scribus when we paste text to a selection with multiple paragraph void NewsPaper::pasteFromClipboard() { UndoManager* const undoMgr = UndoManager::instance(); undoMgr->setUndoEnabled(true); UndoTransaction activeTransaction; UndoTransaction activeDelTransaction; if(!checkDoc()) return; ScribusDoc *doc = ScCore->primaryMainWindow()->doc; if (!doc->inAnEditMode()) return; ScribusMainWindow* win = ScCore->primaryMainWindow(); if (win->ClipB == nullptr) { return; } QString newText = win->ClipB->text(); if (newText.size() == 0) return; PageItem *item = selectedItem(); if (item == nullptr) return; int pos = item->itemText.cursorPosition(); int firstSelected = item->itemText.startOfSelection(); int lastSelected = item->itemText.endOfSelection(); int n = newText.size(); if (lastSelected < 0) { /* Start of changes by Sreeraj P on 17th November 2020 - Applying paragraph style from cursor position */ int stylePos = firstSelected; if (pos > 0) { stylePos = pos-1; } else { stylePos = pos; } const CharStyle cstyle = item->itemText.charStyle(stylePos); const ParagraphStyle pstyle = item->itemText.paragraphStyle(stylePos); if (UndoManager::undoEnabled()) { PageItem* currItem = ScCore->primaryMainWindow()->doc->m_Selection->itemAt(0); QString targetName = (ScCore->primaryMainWindow()->doc->m_Selection->count() > 1) ? Um::SelectionGroup : currItem->getUName(); QPixmap* targetPixmap = (ScCore->primaryMainWindow()->doc->m_Selection->count() > 1) ? Um::IGroup : currItem->getUPixmap(); activeTransaction = undoMgr->beginTransaction(targetName, targetPixmap, Um::InsertText, "Inserting text", nullptr); //SimpleState* ss = dynamic_cast<SimpleState*>(undoMgr->getLastUndo()); ScItemState<CharStyle>* ss = new ScItemState<CharStyle>(Um::InsertText, "", Um::ICreate); //ss = new SimpleState(Um::InsertText, "", Um::ICreate); ss->set("INSERT_FRAMETEXT"); ss->set("ETEA", QString("insert_frametext")); ss->set("TEXT_STR", newText); ss->set("START", pos); ss->setItem(cstyle); undoMgr->action(currItem, ss); } item->itemText.insertChars(pos, newText, false); item->, newText.length(), true); if (activeTransaction) activeTransaction.commit(); undoMgr->setUndoEnabled(false); if (&cstyle != nullptr) { item->itemText.setCharStyle(pos, newText.length(), cstyle); } item->, newText.length(), true); if (&pstyle != nullptr) { doc->itemSelection_ApplyParagraphStyle(pstyle); } item->itemText.setCursorPosition(pos + n); /* End of changes by Sreeraj P on 17th November 2020 - Applying paragraph style from cursor position */ undoMgr->setUndoEnabled(true); } else { /* Start of changes by Sreeraj P on 17th November 2020 - Crashing while trying to apply character style */ const CharStyle cstyle = item->itemText.charStyle(firstSelected+1); const ParagraphStyle pstyle = item->itemText.paragraphStyle(firstSelected); //(firstSelected + lastSelected) / 2 PageItem* currItem = ScCore->primaryMainWindow()->doc->m_Selection->itemAt(0); QString targetName = (ScCore->primaryMainWindow()->doc->m_Selection->count() > 1) ? Um::SelectionGroup : currItem->getUName(); QPixmap* targetPixmap = (ScCore->primaryMainWindow()->doc->m_Selection->count() > 1) ? Um::IGroup : currItem->getUPixmap(); if (UndoManager::undoEnabled()) { activeDelTransaction = undoMgr->beginTransaction(targetName, targetPixmap, Um::ReplaceText, "Replacing text", nullptr); ScItemState<CharStyle>* is = new ScItemState<CharStyle>(Um::DeleteText, "", Um::IDelete); is->set("DELETE_FRAMETEXT"); is->set("ETEA", QString("delete_frametext")); is->set("TEXT_STR", item->itemText.selectedText()); is->set("START", firstSelected); is->setItem(cstyle); undoMgr->action(currItem, is); //activeTransaction = undoMgr->beginTransaction(targetName, targetPixmap, Um::InsertText, "Inserting text", nullptr); //SimpleState* ss = dynamic_cast<SimpleState*>(undoMgr->getLastUndo()); ScItemState<CharStyle>* ss = new ScItemState<CharStyle>(Um::InsertText, "", Um::ICreate); //ss = new SimpleState(Um::InsertText, "", Um::ICreate); ss->set("INSERT_FRAMETEXT"); ss->set("ETEA", QString("insert_frametext")); ss->set("TEXT_STR", newText); ss->set("START", firstSelected); ss->setItem(cstyle); undoMgr->action(currItem, ss); } item->itemText.replaceSelection(newText); item->, newText.length(), true); if (activeDelTransaction) activeDelTransaction.commit(); undoMgr->setUndoEnabled(false); /*if (&cstyle != nullptr) { item->itemText.setCharStyle(firstSelected, n, cstyle); }*/ item->, newText.length(), true); if (&pstyle != nullptr) { doc->itemSelection_ApplyParagraphStyle(pstyle); } /* End of changes by Sreeraj P on 17th November 2020 - Crashing while trying to apply character style */ item->itemText.setCursorPosition(pos+n); undoMgr->setUndoEnabled(true); } item->itemText.invalidateAll(); item->update(); //----------------------------------------- ScCore->primaryMainWindow()->toggleColumnBorders(); ScCore->primaryMainWindow()->toggleColumnBorders(); return; } |
I think that this is now in.... |
Date Modified | Username | Field | Change |
2020-11-20 06:41 | sreerajp | New Issue | |
2020-11-20 08:11 | JLuc | Relationship added | related to 0011814 |
2020-11-20 08:12 | JLuc | Relationship added | related to 0011574 |
2020-11-20 08:12 | JLuc | Relationship added | related to 0005320 |
2020-11-21 15:01 | jghali | Severity | text => feature |
2020-11-23 11:51 | sreerajp | Note Added: 0048476 | |
2022-12-08 14:37 | JLuc | Relationship added | related to 0003345 |
2022-12-08 14:39 | JLuc | Patch | No => Yes |
2025-03-13 10:13 | ale | Note Added: 0052211 | |
2025-03-13 10:13 | ale | Tag Attached: #tobeclosed |