View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0016461ScribusPDFpublic2024-10-30 21:28
Reporterjonny Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
PlatformubuntuOSubuntuOS Version18.04
Product Version1.4.8 
Summary0016461: cannot export PDF containing literal ascii minus character
DescriptionI have been unable to find a way to export a PDF with a literal ascii minus character used as part of a URL. The character appears to be replaced with some kind of soft-hyphen character which gives incorrect URLs containing "%C2%AD" instead of the correct "-" character. I've tried inserting hyphens via "insert > character", but none of the options work or look like the right character; copy-pasting & typing directly, but hyphens just get replaced; and via "insert > glyph", but the literal "-" also gets replaced at some point.
Steps To ReproduceDocument creation part:

- create a new document
- add a text frame
- type a url containing a hyphen into the text frame
- export as PDF

End-user part:

- open in a PDF viewer
- copy the URL
- paste into a browser
- note that hyphens are replaced with "%C2%AD", so the URL is now incorrect
Additional InformationGiven that using URLs like this is a normal thing I'd want recipients to do this is a significant limitation for me.

I'm not sure how you assign priority & severity here, so I'm leaving them on the default settings.
Tagsexport to PDF



2024-10-30 21:28

reporter   ~0051507

Example URL, please?

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2021-02-07 16:15 jonny New Issue
2021-02-07 16:15 jonny Tag Attached: export to PDF
2024-10-30 21:28 luzpaz Note Added: 0051507