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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0016630ScribusFontspublic2021-09-13 22:20
Reporterskinkie Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Product Version1.5.7 
Summary0016630: Text convert to outlines within a group messes up alignment
DescriptionWhen two objects are aligned on top of each other, and group, and the user applies the convert to outline to a Text object within that group. The initial alignment between the object is completely lost. Undo won't work anymore either.
Steps To ReproduceAlign a Text object and an image on top of each other.
Group the two.
Select the Text Element from the tree.
Right click, Convert To, Outlines
Notice that the text is not at the original position anymore.
Additional InformationI have noticed that scaled text elements that within a group perfectly match, but when ungrouped, have a different transform.

I noticed the problem when scaling an A4 print to A6, and all kind of funky things started to happen with texts, when ungrouped.

What I have done to mitigate the effects of this issue; take the original content. Do the ungrouping, and convert to outlines there.



2021-09-13 22:20


qa-group-text-outlines.sla (32,195 bytes)   
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qa-group-text-outlines.sla (32,195 bytes)   

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2021-09-13 22:20 skinkie New Issue
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