View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0017014ScribusOS-MacOSXpublic2024-01-07 21:37
Reportertaitstevens Assigned Tocbradney  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
OSXOS Version10.14.3 
Product Version1.4.8 
Summary0017014: Stable branch description of compatible OS X versions appear to be incorrect.
DescriptionPage at describes download as:

Mac OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.x) or higher (DMG):

However, attempting to install the download DMG reports "You have macOS 10.14.3. The application requires macOS 10.15 or later."

Steps To ReproduceDownload the DMG for 1.4.8 on a Mac running OS X 10.14.3.

Mount the DMG. Open the DMG. Attempt to launch the installer.
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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2023-09-16 19:13 taitstevens New Issue
2023-09-16 20:48 jghali Project Infrastructure => Scribus
2023-09-16 20:49 jghali Category General => OS-MacOSX
2023-09-16 20:49 jghali Patch => No
2023-09-16 21:55 jghali Product Version => 1.4.8
2024-01-07 21:37 cbradney Assigned To => cbradney
2024-01-07 21:37 cbradney Status new => resolved
2024-01-07 21:37 cbradney Resolution open => fixed
2024-01-07 21:37 cbradney Status resolved => closed