View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0017251ScribusScripterpublic2024-08-06 14:02
ReporterLXR Assigned Tojghali  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Platformx86_64OSUbuntuOS Version24.04
Product Version1.6.1 
Fixed in Version1.6.3.svn 
Summary0017251: Scripter's ImageExporter ignores actual quality setting
DescriptionScribus ignores the 'quality' member setting of a scripted ImageExporter with type 'jpg'.

Instead, it uses a default quality of 75%. I verified this by setting the 'quality' member to different values between 0 and 100. Each configuration outputs a jpg of the very same file size, in my case exactly 118.7 kB. Find the example export script below.

Manually exporting a jpg page in Scribus works, however. I can choose different quality values, and the file size varies accordingly. Manually exporting with 75% quality gives the exact size that the scripted export produces: 118.7 kB.

I think this is of major severity, because it makes scripting the jpg ImageExport unusable. Nobody wants to export jpgs with just 75% quality.
Steps To Reproduce% Change the 'quality' variable down below and observe the very same file size for different 'quality' values
import os
import scribus

img = scribus.ImageExport()
img.type = 'jpg'
img.dpi = 72
img.scale = 100

quality = 98
img.quality = quality = "/home/user/export_" + str(quality) + ".jpg"
Tags1.6.1, export, jpg, scripter



2024-08-06 08:20

reporter (313 bytes)   
% Change the 'quality' variable down below and observe the very same file size for different 'quality' values
import os
import scribus

img = scribus.ImageExport()
img.type = 'jpg'
img.dpi = 72
img.scale = 100

quality = 98
img.quality = quality = "/home/user/export_" + str(quality) + ".jpg" (313 bytes)   

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-08-06 08:20 LXR New Issue
2024-08-06 08:20 LXR Tag Attached: 1.6.1
2024-08-06 08:20 LXR Tag Attached: export
2024-08-06 08:20 LXR Tag Attached: jpg
2024-08-06 08:20 LXR Tag Attached: scripter
2024-08-06 08:20 LXR File Added:
2024-08-06 11:05 jghali Severity major => minor
2024-08-06 13:54 jghali Summary Scripted ImageExporter ignores actual quality setting, statically exports 75% quality jpg => Scripted ImageExporter ignores actual quality setting
2024-08-06 14:02 jghali Summary Scripted ImageExporter ignores actual quality setting => Scripter's ImageExporter ignores actual quality setting
2024-08-06 14:02 jghali Assigned To => jghali
2024-08-06 14:02 jghali Status new => resolved
2024-08-06 14:02 jghali Resolution open => fixed
2024-08-06 14:02 jghali Fixed in Version => 1.6.3.svn