View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0017321ScribusUser Interfacepublic2024-12-08 11:41
Reporternitramr Assigned Tonitramr  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
PlatformDesktop PCOSUbuntuOS Version24.10 64-bit
Product Version1.7.0.svn 
Target Version1.7.0Fixed in Version1.7.0.svn 
Summary0017321: Ruler tab edit mode looks blurry on non-retina displays
DescriptionI made a UI update for the ruler to fix the blurry scale.

The patch applies the following changes:
- ruler is a little bigger and has new style for tab handles
- ruler scale has a new scale tick on half position
- right-click on a tab opens a context menu with all available types (replaces the iteration on right clicks)
- double-click on a tab, opens the tab manager

I faced a couple of other issues from 1.6.2 that are not fixed. In example:
- tab edit mode is unusable when the text frame is horizontal mirrored
- right indent has wrong position when there is a right margin

This task solves the following tasks too:
TagsNo tags attached.


related to 0012960 closedale in the ruler double clicking on tab or indent in should open the tabs dialog 
related to 0016217 closedale [PATCH] introduce an enum for the tab types 
related to 0010888 closedale Right clicking on the tab mark in the ruler should not cycle but show the list of available types 



2024-11-24 17:15


1.6.2.png (110,474 bytes)   
1.6.2.png (110,474 bytes)   
1.7.0.png (111,753 bytes)   
1.7.0.png (111,753 bytes) (2,771 bytes)
ruler_2024-11-24_01.patch (27,032 bytes)   
Index: resources/iconsets/1_7_0/1_7_0.xml
--- resources/iconsets/1_7_0/1_7_0.xml	(Revision 26450)
+++ resources/iconsets/1_7_0/1_7_0.xml	(Arbeitskopie)
@@ -595,6 +595,11 @@
 		<icon id="paragraph-style-edit" file="16/action-edit.svg" />
 		<icon id="paragraph-style-new" file="16/action-add.svg" />
 		<icon id="paragraph-widow" file="16/paragraph-widow.svg" />
+		<icon id="tabulator-center" file="16/tabulator-center.svg" />
+		<icon id="tabulator-comma" file="16/tabulator-comma.svg" />
+		<icon id="tabulator-dot" file="16/tabulator-dot.svg" />
+		<icon id="tabulator-left" file="16/tabulator-left.svg" />
+		<icon id="tabulator-right" file="16/tabulator-right.svg" />
 		<icon id="text-on-path-distance" file="16/text-on-path-distance.svg" />
 		<icon id="text-on-path-flip" file="16/object-flip-vertical.svg" />
 		<icon id="text-on-path-offset" file="16/text-on-path-offset.svg" />
Index: scribus/scribusview.cpp
--- scribus/scribusview.cpp	(Revision 26450)
+++ scribus/scribusview.cpp	(Arbeitskopie)
@@ -115,6 +115,8 @@
+	m_vhRulerHW = Hruler::rulerHeight();
 	QPalette p = palette();
 	p.setBrush(QPalette::Window, PrefsManager::instance().appPrefs.displayPrefs.scratchColor);
Index: scribus/styles/paragraphstyle.h
--- scribus/styles/paragraphstyle.h	(Revision 26450)
+++ scribus/styles/paragraphstyle.h	(Arbeitskopie)
@@ -66,6 +67,15 @@
 		AutomaticHyphenation = 2
+	enum TabType
+	{
+		LeftTab = 0,
+		RightTab = 1,
+		DotTab = 2,
+		CommaTab = 3,
+		CenterTab = 4
+	};
 	struct TabRecord
 		qreal tabPosition {0.0};
Index: scribus/ui/hruler.cpp
--- scribus/ui/hruler.cpp	(Revision 26450)
+++ scribus/ui/hruler.cpp	(Arbeitskopie)
@@ -35,10 +35,14 @@
 #include "canvasgesture_rulermove.h"
 #include "hruler.h"
+#include "scribus.h"
+#include "scribusapp.h"
 #include "scribusdoc.h"
 #include "scribusview.h"
 #include "selection.h"
+#include "tabmanager.h"
 #include "units.h"
+#include "util_gui.h"
 #include "iconmanager.h"
@@ -47,20 +51,31 @@
 constexpr int topline = 3;
-constexpr int bottomline = 15;
+constexpr int bottomline = 24;
 constexpr int rulerheight = (bottomline - topline);
-constexpr int midline = (topline + rulerheight / 2);
-constexpr int tabline = 7;
+constexpr int midline = bottomline / 2;
+constexpr int tabline = bottomline - 10;
+constexpr int scaleS = bottomline - 4;
+constexpr int scaleM = bottomline - 8;
+constexpr int scaleL = bottomline - 12;
+constexpr int textline = scaleL;
 Hruler::Hruler(ScribusView *pa, ScribusDoc *doc) : QWidget(pa),
-	setBackgroundRole(QPalette::Window);
+	//setBackgroundRole(QPalette::Window);
+	m_contextMenu = new QMenu();
 	rulerGesture = new RulerGesture(m_view, RulerGesture::HORIZONTAL);
+	languageChange();
+	setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu);
+	connect(this, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(QPoint)), SLOT(contextMenuRequested(QPoint)));
+	connect(m_contextMenu, SIGNAL(triggered(QAction*)), SLOT(tabTypeChanged(QAction*)));
+	connect(ScQApp, SIGNAL(iconSetChanged()), this, SLOT(languageChange())); // replace languageChange() if there are other icons than in context menu.
 double Hruler::textBase() const
@@ -99,6 +114,10 @@
 	m_offset += dist;
+int Hruler::rulerHeight()
+	return bottomline;
 int Hruler::findRulerHandle(QPoint mp, int grabRadius)
@@ -187,7 +206,7 @@
 			const QString& textTabFillChar = m_doc->itemToolPrefs().textTabFillChar;
 			ParagraphStyle::TabRecord tb;
 			tb.tabPosition = tabPos;
-			tb.tabType = 0;
+			tb.tabType = ParagraphStyle::LeftTab;
 			tb.tabFillChar = !textTabFillChar.isEmpty() ? textTabFillChar[0] : QChar();
 			m_currTab = 0;
@@ -249,12 +268,6 @@
 					emit DocChanged(false);
 				case rc_tab:
-					if (m->button() == Qt::RightButton)
-					{
-						m_tabValues[m_currTab].tabType += 1;
-						if (m_tabValues[m_currTab].tabType > 4)
-							m_tabValues[m_currTab].tabType = 0;
-					}
 					mustApplyStyle = true;
 					emit DocChanged(false);
@@ -447,6 +460,39 @@
+void Hruler::mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent* m)
+	QWidget::mouseDoubleClickEvent( m );
+	if (!m_doc || !m_currItem || m_doc->isLoading())
+		return;
+	m_rulerCode = findRulerHandle(m->pos(), m_doc->guidesPrefs().grabRadius);
+	if ( m->button() == Qt::LeftButton && m_textEditMode && m_rulerCode == rc_tab)
+	{
+		m_mousePressed = false;
+		m_rulerCode = rc_none;
+		PageItem_TextFrame *tItem = m_currItem->asTextFrame();
+		if (tItem == nullptr)
+			return;
+		const ParagraphStyle& style(m_doc->appMode == modeEdit ? tItem->currentStyle() : tItem->itemText.defaultStyle());
+		TabManager *dia = new TabManager(this, m_doc->unitIndex(), style.tabValues(), tItem->columnWidth());
+		if (dia->exec())
+		{
+			ParagraphStyle paraStyle;
+			paraStyle.setTabValues(dia->tabList());
+			Selection tempSelection(this, false);
+			tempSelection.addItem(m_currItem);
+			m_doc->itemSelection_ApplyParagraphStyle(paraStyle, &tempSelection);
+			emit DocChanged(false);
+		}
+		delete dia;
+	}
 void Hruler::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e)
 	if (m_doc->isLoading())
@@ -456,23 +502,28 @@
 	QFont ff = font();
+	const QPalette& palette = this->palette();
+	const QColor& backgroundColor = palette.color(QPalette::Base);
 	QPainter p;
+	p.fillRect(rect(), backgroundColor);
 	if (m_textEditMode)
-		int rectX1 = textPosToLocal(m_distLeft);
-		int rectX2 = textPosToLocal(m_itemEndPos - m_itemPos - m_distRight);
-		const QPalette& palette = this->palette();
+		const QColor& markerColor = blendColor(isDarkColor(backgroundColor), QColor(117, 182, 240), QColor(51, 132, 204));
+		const QColor& marginColor = markerColor;
+		QColor columnColor = markerColor;
+		columnColor.setAlphaF(0.2);
 		const QColor& textColor = palette.color(QPalette::Text);
-		p.fillRect(QRect(QPoint(rectX1, 1), QPoint(rectX2, 15)), palette.window());
-		p.drawLine(rectX1, 16, rectX2, 16);
-		p.setRenderHints(QPainter::Antialiasing, true);
 		if (m_reverse)
 			p.translate( textPosToLocal(0), 0);
@@ -485,37 +536,45 @@
 			double colWidth = (textWidth() - m_colGap * (m_cols - 1.0)) / m_cols;
 			double pos = (colWidth + m_colGap) * currCol;
 			double endPos = pos + colWidth;
+			p.fillRect(QRect(QPoint(textPosToLocal(pos), 0), QPoint(textPosToLocal(endPos), bottomline)), backgroundColor);
+			p.fillRect(QRect(QPoint(textPosToLocal(pos), 0), QPoint(textPosToLocal(endPos), bottomline)), columnColor);
 			drawTextMarks(pos, endPos, p);
-			p.setPen(QPen(Qt::blue, 2, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::FlatCap, Qt::MiterJoin));
+			// start braket
+			p.setPen(QPen(marginColor, 1, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::FlatCap, Qt::MiterJoin));
 			int xPos = textPosToLocal(pos);
-			p.drawLine(xPos, topline, xPos, bottomline);
-			if (currCol == 0)
-			{
-				p.drawLine(xPos, 15, (xPos + 4), 15);
-				p.drawLine(xPos, topline, (xPos + 4), topline);
-			}
+			p.drawLine(xPos, 0, xPos, bottomline);
+			p.drawLine(xPos, 0, (xPos + 8), 0);
-			p.setPen(QPen(Qt::blue, 1, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::FlatCap, Qt::MiterJoin));
+			// First Indent
 			xPos = textPosToLocal(pos + m_firstIndent + m_leftMargin);
-			QPolygon cr;
-			cr.setPoints(3, xPos, midline, xPos + 3, topline, xPos - 3, topline);
-			p.drawPolygon(cr);
+			p.setPen(QPen(textColor, 1, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::FlatCap, Qt::MiterJoin));
+			p.drawLine(xPos, tabline - 2, xPos, bottomline);
+			p.setPen(Qt::NoPen);
+			p.setRenderHints(QPainter::Antialiasing, true);
+			p.drawRect(QRect(xPos, tabline - 8, 8, 6));
+			// Left Margin
 			xPos = textPosToLocal(pos + m_leftMargin);
 			QPolygon cr2;
-			cr2.setPoints(3, xPos, midline, xPos + 3, bottomline, xPos - 3, bottomline);
+			cr2.setPoints(3, xPos, tabline, xPos + 8, tabline, xPos, bottomline);
+			// Right Margin
 			xPos = textPosToLocal(pos + m_rightMargin);
 			QPolygon cr3;
-			cr3.setPoints(3, xPos, topline, xPos, bottomline, xPos - 3, midline);
+			cr3.setPoints(3, xPos - 8, tabline, xPos, tabline, xPos, bottomline);
+			p.setRenderHints(QPainter::Antialiasing, false);
+			// Tabulator
 			if (!m_tabValues.isEmpty())
-				p.setPen(QPen(textColor, 2, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::FlatCap, Qt::MiterJoin));
+				int pWidth = 1;
+				p.setPen(QPen(textColor, pWidth * 2, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::FlatCap, Qt::MiterJoin));
 				for (int yg = 0; yg < m_tabValues.count(); ++yg)
 					xPos = textPosToLocal(pos + m_tabValues[yg].tabPosition);
@@ -523,47 +582,47 @@
 					switch (m_tabValues[yg].tabType)
-						case 0:
+						case ParagraphStyle::LeftTab:
 							if (m_reverse)
 								p.translate(pos + m_tabValues[yg].tabPosition, 0);
 								p.scale(-1, 1);
-								p.drawLine(0, tabline, 0, bottomline);
-								p.drawLine(0, bottomline, 8, bottomline);
+								p.drawLine(0, tabline, 0, bottomline - pWidth);
+								p.drawLine(0, bottomline - pWidth, 8, bottomline - pWidth);
-								p.drawLine(xPos, tabline, xPos, bottomline);
-								p.drawLine(xPos, bottomline, xPos + 8, bottomline);
+								p.drawLine(xPos, tabline, xPos, bottomline - pWidth);
+								p.drawLine(xPos, bottomline - pWidth, xPos + 8, bottomline - pWidth);
-						case 1:
+						case ParagraphStyle::RightTab:
 							if (m_reverse)
 								p.translate(pos + m_tabValues[yg].tabPosition, 0);
 								p.scale(-1, 1);
-								p.drawLine(0, tabline, 0, bottomline);
-								p.drawLine(0, bottomline, -8, bottomline);
+								p.drawLine(0, tabline, 0, bottomline - pWidth);
+								p.drawLine(0, bottomline - pWidth, -8, bottomline - pWidth);
-								p.drawLine(xPos, tabline, xPos, bottomline);
-								p.drawLine(xPos, bottomline, xPos - 8, bottomline);
+								p.drawLine(xPos, tabline, xPos, bottomline - pWidth);
+								p.drawLine(xPos, bottomline - pWidth, xPos - 8, bottomline - pWidth);
-						case 2:
-						case 3:
-							p.drawLine(xPos, tabline, xPos, bottomline);
-							p.drawLine(xPos - 4, bottomline, xPos + 4, bottomline);
-							p.drawLine(xPos + 3, bottomline - 3, xPos + 2, bottomline - 3);
+						case ParagraphStyle::CommaTab:
+						case ParagraphStyle::DotTab:
+							p.drawLine(xPos, tabline, xPos, bottomline - pWidth);
+							p.drawLine(xPos - 4, bottomline - pWidth, xPos + 4, bottomline - pWidth);
+							p.drawLine(xPos + 3, bottomline - 3 - pWidth, xPos + 2, bottomline - 3 - pWidth);
-						case 4:
-							p.drawLine(xPos, tabline, xPos, bottomline);
-							p.drawLine(xPos - 4, bottomline, xPos + 4, bottomline);
+						case ParagraphStyle::CenterTab:
+							p.drawLine(xPos, tabline, xPos, bottomline - pWidth);
+							p.drawLine(xPos - 4, bottomline - pWidth, xPos + 4, bottomline - pWidth);
@@ -571,14 +630,12 @@
-			p.setPen(QPen(Qt::blue, 2, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::FlatCap, Qt::MiterJoin));
+			// end braket
+			p.setPen(QPen(marginColor, 1, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::FlatCap, Qt::MiterJoin));
 			xPos = textPosToLocal(endPos);
-			p.drawLine(xPos, topline, xPos, bottomline);
-			if (currCol == m_cols - 1)
-			{
-				p.drawLine(xPos, bottomline, xPos - 4 , bottomline);
-				p.drawLine(xPos, topline, xPos - 4, topline);
-			}
+			p.drawLine(xPos, 0, xPos, bottomline - 1);
+			p.drawLine(xPos, 0, xPos - 8, 0);
@@ -593,13 +650,20 @@
 void Hruler::drawMarker(QPainter& p) const
 	// draw slim marker
+	const QColor& markerColor = blendColor(isDarkColor(palette().color(QPalette::Base)), QColor(255, 117, 102), QColor(255, 71, 51));
 	QPolygon cr;
+	cr.setPoints(3, m_whereToDraw, 5, m_whereToDraw + 2, 0, m_whereToDraw - 2, 0);
 	p.translate(-m_view->contentsX(), 0);
-	p.setPen(Qt::red);
-	p.setBrush(Qt::red);
-	cr.setPoints(5,  m_whereToDraw, 5, m_whereToDraw, 16, m_whereToDraw, 5, m_whereToDraw + 2, 0, m_whereToDraw - 2, 0);
+	p.setPen(markerColor);
+	p.drawLine(m_whereToDraw, 0, m_whereToDraw, bottomline);
+	p.setRenderHints(QPainter::Antialiasing, true);
+	p.setPen(Qt::NoPen);
+	p.setBrush(markerColor);
+	p.setRenderHints(QPainter::Antialiasing, false);
@@ -615,7 +679,7 @@
 	double firstMark = ceil(m_offset / m_iter) * m_iter - m_offset;
 	while (firstMark < cc)
-		p.drawLine(qRound(firstMark * sc), 13, qRound(firstMark * sc), 16);
+		p.drawLine(qRound(firstMark * sc), scaleS, qRound(firstMark * sc), bottomline);
 		firstMark += m_iter;
 	firstMark = ceil(m_offset / m_iter2) * m_iter2 - m_offset;
@@ -625,7 +689,6 @@
 	double xl, frac;
 	while (firstMark < cc)
-		p.drawLine(qRound(firstMark * sc), topline + 5, qRound(firstMark * sc), 16);
 		switch (m_doc->unitIndex())
 			case SC_MM:
@@ -655,28 +718,41 @@
 				tx = QString::number(markC * m_iter2);
-		drawNumber(tx, qRound(firstMark * sc) + 2, 9, p);
-		//p.drawText(qRound(firstMark * sc) + 2, 9, tx);
+		p.drawLine(qRound(firstMark * sc), scaleL, qRound(firstMark * sc), bottomline);
+		drawNumber(tx, qRound(firstMark * sc) + 2, p);
 		firstMark += m_iter2;
+	if (m_doc->unitIndex() == SC_C || m_doc->unitIndex() == SC_P)
+		return;
+	double tickStep = m_iter2 / 2.0;
+	firstMark = ceil(m_offset / tickStep) * tickStep - m_offset;
+	int markM = static_cast<int>(ceil(m_offset / tickStep));
+	while (firstMark < cc)
+	{
+		p.drawLine(qRound(firstMark * sc), scaleM, qRound(firstMark * sc), bottomline);
+		firstMark += tickStep;
+		markM++;
+	}
 void Hruler::drawTextMarks(double pos, double endPos, QPainter& p) const
 	double xl;
-	p.setPen(QPen(Qt::blue, 1, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::FlatCap, Qt::MiterJoin));
-	p.setBrush(Qt::blue);
+	QColor color = blendColor(isDarkColor(palette().color(QPalette::Base)), QColor(117, 182, 240), QColor(51, 132, 204));
+	p.setPen(QPen(color, 1, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::FlatCap, Qt::MiterJoin));
 	for (xl = pos; xl < endPos; xl += m_iter)
 		int xli = textPosToLocal(xl);
-		p.drawLine(xli, 10, xli, 16);
+		p.drawLine(xli, scaleS, xli, bottomline);
 	for (xl = pos; xl < endPos; xl += m_iter2)
 		int xli = textPosToLocal(xl);
-		p.drawLine(xli, topline, xli, 16);
+		p.drawLine(xli, scaleL, xli, bottomline);
 		switch (m_doc->unitIndex())
 			case SC_IN:
@@ -697,11 +773,11 @@;
 						p.translate(xli - 2.0, 0);
 						p.scale(-1, 1);
-						drawNumber(tx, 0, 17, p);
+						drawNumber(tx, 0, p);
-						drawNumber(tx, xli + 2, 9, p);
+						drawNumber(tx, xli + 2, p);
 			case SC_P:
@@ -710,11 +786,11 @@;
 					p.translate(xli - 2.0, 0);
 					p.scale(-1, 1);
-					drawNumber(QString::number((xl - pos) / m_iter / m_cor), 0, 17, p);
+					drawNumber(QString::number((xl - pos) / m_iter / m_cor), 0, p);
-					drawNumber(QString::number((xl - pos) / m_iter / m_cor), xli + 2, 9, p);
+					drawNumber(QString::number((xl - pos) / m_iter / m_cor), xli + 2, p);
 			case SC_CM:
 				if (m_reverse)
@@ -722,11 +798,11 @@;
 					p.translate(xli - 2.0, 0);
 					p.scale(-1, 1);
-					drawNumber(QString::number((xl - pos) / m_iter / 10 / m_cor), 0, 9, p);
+					drawNumber(QString::number((xl - pos) / m_iter / 10 / m_cor), 0, p);
-					drawNumber(QString::number((xl - pos) / m_iter / 10 / m_cor), xli + 2, 9, p);
+					drawNumber(QString::number((xl - pos) / m_iter / 10 / m_cor), xli + 2, p);
 			case SC_C:
 				if (m_reverse)
@@ -734,11 +810,11 @@;
 					p.translate(xli - 2.0, 0);
 					p.scale(-1, 1);
-					drawNumber(QString::number((xl - pos) / m_iter  / m_cor), 0, 9, p);
+					drawNumber(QString::number((xl - pos) / m_iter  / m_cor), 0, p);
-					drawNumber(QString::number((xl - pos) / m_iter  / m_cor), xli + 2, 9, p);
+					drawNumber(QString::number((xl - pos) / m_iter  / m_cor), xli + 2, p);
 				if (m_reverse)
@@ -746,19 +822,28 @@;
 					p.translate(xli - 2.0, 0);
 					p.scale(-1, 1);
-					drawNumber(QString::number((xl - pos) / m_iter * 10 / m_cor), 0, 9, p);
+					drawNumber(QString::number((xl - pos) / m_iter * 10 / m_cor), 0, p);
-					drawNumber(QString::number((xl - pos) / m_iter * 10 / m_cor), xli + 2, 9, p);
+					drawNumber(QString::number((xl - pos) / m_iter * 10 / m_cor), xli + 2, p);
+	if (m_doc->unitIndex() == SC_C || m_doc->unitIndex() == SC_P)
+		return;
+	for (xl = pos; xl < endPos; xl += (m_iter2 / 2.0))
+	{
+		int xli = textPosToLocal(xl);
+		p.drawLine(xli, scaleM, xli, bottomline);
+	}
-void Hruler::drawNumber(const QString& txt, int x, int y0, QPainter & p) const
+void Hruler::drawNumber(const QString& txt, int x, QPainter & p) const
-	const int y = y0 - 3 + topline;
+	const int y = textline;
@@ -773,7 +858,7 @@
 	int currentCoor = where - m_view->contentsX();
 	m_whereToDraw = where;
 	m_drawMark = true;
-	repaint(m_oldMark - 3, 0, 7, 17);
+	repaint(m_oldMark - 4, 0, 8, bottomline);
 	//	m_drawMark = false;
 	m_oldMark = currentCoor;
@@ -980,3 +1065,49 @@
+void Hruler::changeEvent(QEvent *e)
+	if (e->type() == QEvent::LanguageChange)
+	{
+		languageChange();
+		return;
+	}
+	QWidget::changeEvent(e);
+void Hruler::languageChange()
+	IconManager &im = IconManager::instance();
+	QSignalBlocker sigMenu(m_contextMenu);
+	m_contextMenu->clear();
+	m_contextMenu->addAction(im.loadIcon("tabulator-left"), tr("Left"))->setData(ParagraphStyle::LeftTab);
+	m_contextMenu->addAction(im.loadIcon("tabulator-center"), tr("Center"))->setData(ParagraphStyle::CenterTab);
+	m_contextMenu->addAction(im.loadIcon("tabulator-comma"), tr("Comma"))->setData(ParagraphStyle::CommaTab);
+	m_contextMenu->addAction(im.loadIcon("tabulator-dot"), tr("Dot"))->setData(ParagraphStyle::DotTab);
+	m_contextMenu->addAction(im.loadIcon("tabulator-right"), tr("Right"))->setData(ParagraphStyle::RightTab);
+void Hruler::contextMenuRequested(QPoint mouse)
+	if (m_textEditMode && m_rulerCode == rc_tab)
+	{
+		m_mousePressed = false;
+		m_contextMenu->popup(this->mapToGlobal(mouse));
+	}
+void Hruler::tabTypeChanged(QAction *action)
+	m_tabValues[m_currTab].tabType = action->data().toInt();
+	ParagraphStyle paraStyle;
+	paraStyle.setTabValues(m_tabValues);
+	emit DocChanged(false);
+	Selection tempSelection(this, false);
+	tempSelection.addItem(m_currItem);
+	m_doc->itemSelection_ApplyParagraphStyle(paraStyle, &tempSelection);
Index: scribus/ui/hruler.h
--- scribus/ui/hruler.h	(Revision 26450)
+++ scribus/ui/hruler.h	(Arbeitskopie)
@@ -75,7 +75,12 @@
 	void   shift(double pos); // using canvas coord
 	void   shiftRel(double dist); // using canvas coord
 	double offset() const { return m_offset; }
+	static int rulerHeight();
+	void changeEvent(QEvent *e) override;
 	int findRulerHandle(QPoint mp, int grabRadius);
@@ -83,6 +88,7 @@
 	void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *m) override;
 	void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *) override;
 	void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *m) override;
+	void mouseDoubleClickEvent( QMouseEvent * m ) override;
 	void enterEvent(QEnterEvent *m) override;
 	void leaveEvent(QEvent *m) override;
@@ -89,7 +95,7 @@
 	void drawMarks(QPainter& p) const;
 	void drawTextMarks(double pos, double endPos, QPainter& p) const;
 	void drawMarker(QPainter& p) const;
-	void drawNumber(const QString& num, int startx, int starty, QPainter & p) const;
+	void drawNumber(const QString& num, int startx, QPainter & p) const;
 	void updateTabList();
 	PageItem* m_currItem {nullptr};
@@ -96,6 +102,7 @@
 	QList<ParagraphStyle::TabRecord> m_tabValues;
 	ScribusDoc *m_doc {nullptr};
 	ScribusView *m_view {nullptr};
+	QMenu *m_contextMenu {nullptr};
 	bool m_drawMark {false};
 	bool m_mousePressed {false};
 	bool m_reverse {false};
@@ -128,7 +135,12 @@
 	\param where where to draw */
 	void draw(int where);
 	void unitChange();
+	void languageChange();
+private slots:
+	void contextMenuRequested(QPoint mouse);
+	void tabTypeChanged(QAction *action);
 	void DocChanged(bool);
 	void MarkerMoved(double base, double xp);
Index: scribus/ui/vruler.cpp
--- scribus/ui/vruler.cpp	(Revision 26450)
+++ scribus/ui/vruler.cpp	(Arbeitskopie)
@@ -39,7 +39,18 @@
 #include "scribusdoc.h"
 #include "scribusview.h"
 #include "units.h"
+#include "util_gui.h"
+#ifdef Q_OS_MACOS
+constexpr int topline = 1;
+constexpr int topline = 3;
+constexpr int bottomline = 24;
+constexpr int scaleS = bottomline - 4;
+constexpr int scaleM = bottomline - 8;
+constexpr int scaleL = bottomline - 12;
 Vruler::Vruler(ScribusView *pa, ScribusDoc *doc) : QWidget(pa),
@@ -97,12 +108,13 @@
+	p.fillRect(rect(), palette.color((QPalette::Base)));
 	double cc = height() / sc;
 	double firstMark = ceil(m_offset / m_iter) * m_iter - m_offset;
 	while (firstMark < cc)
-		p.drawLine(13, qRound(firstMark * sc), 16, qRound(firstMark * sc));
+		p.drawLine(scaleS, qRound(firstMark * sc), bottomline, qRound(firstMark * sc));
 		firstMark += m_iter;
 	firstMark = ceil(m_offset / m_iter2) * m_iter2 - m_offset;
@@ -109,8 +121,8 @@
 	int markC = static_cast<int>(ceil(m_offset / m_iter2));
 	while (firstMark < cc)
-		p.drawLine(8, qRound(firstMark * sc), 16, qRound(firstMark * sc));
 		int textY = qRound(firstMark * sc) + 10;
+		int scaleOffset = scaleL;
 		switch (m_doc->unitIndex())
 			case SC_MM:
@@ -142,20 +154,41 @@
 				tx = QString::number(markC * m_iter2);
+		p.drawLine(scaleOffset, qRound(firstMark * sc), bottomline, qRound(firstMark * sc));
 		drawNumber(tx, textY, &p);
 		firstMark += m_iter2;
+	if (m_doc->unitIndex() != SC_C || m_doc->unitIndex() != SC_P)
+	{
+		double tickStep = m_iter2 / 2.0;
+		firstMark = ceil(m_offset / tickStep) * tickStep - m_offset;
+		int markM = static_cast<int>(ceil(m_offset / tickStep));
+		while (firstMark < cc)
+		{
+			p.drawLine(scaleM, qRound(firstMark * sc), bottomline, qRound(firstMark * sc));
+			firstMark += tickStep;
+			markM++;
+		}
+	}
 	if (m_drawMark)
 		// draw slim marker
+		const QColor& markerColor = blendColor(isDarkColor(this->palette().color(QPalette::Base)), QColor(255, 117, 102), QColor(255, 71, 51));
 		QPolygon cr;
+		cr.setPoints(3,  5, m_whereToDraw, 0, m_whereToDraw + 2, 0, m_whereToDraw - 2);
+	//	p.resetTransform();
 		p.translate(0, -m_view->contentsY());
-		p.setPen(Qt::red);
-		p.setBrush(Qt::red);
-		cr.setPoints(5,  5, m_whereToDraw, 16, m_whereToDraw, 5, m_whereToDraw, 0, m_whereToDraw + 2, 0, m_whereToDraw - 2);
+		p.setPen(markerColor);
+		p.drawLine(0, m_whereToDraw, bottomline, m_whereToDraw);
+		p.setRenderHints(QPainter::Antialiasing, true);
+		p.setPen(Qt::NoPen);
+		p.setBrush(markerColor);
+		p.setRenderHints(QPainter::Antialiasing, false);
@@ -163,10 +196,12 @@
 void Vruler::drawNumber(const QString& num, int starty, QPainter *p) const
 	int textY = starty;
+	int fs = font().pointSize() + 2;
 	for (int i = 0; i < num.length(); ++i)
-		p->drawText(1, textY, num.mid(i, 1));
-		textY += 8;
+		p->drawText(scaleM - fs, textY, num.mid(i, 1));
+		textY += fs;
@@ -181,7 +216,7 @@
 	int currentCoor = where - m_view->contentsY();
 	m_whereToDraw = where;
 	m_drawMark = true;
-	repaint(0, m_oldMark - 3, 17, 6);
+	repaint(0, m_oldMark - 4, bottomline, 8);
 //	m_drawMark = false;
 	m_oldMark = currentCoor;
@@ -201,17 +236,17 @@
 			if (sc < 0.3)
 				m_iter = unitRulerGetIter1FromIndex(docUnitIndex) * 3;
-	  			m_iter2 = unitRulerGetIter2FromIndex(docUnitIndex) * 3;
+				m_iter2 = unitRulerGetIter2FromIndex(docUnitIndex) * 3;
 			else if (sc < 0.2)
 				m_iter = unitRulerGetIter1FromIndex(docUnitIndex) * 2;
-	  			m_iter2 = unitRulerGetIter2FromIndex(docUnitIndex) * 2;
+				m_iter2 = unitRulerGetIter2FromIndex(docUnitIndex) * 2;
 				m_iter = unitRulerGetIter1FromIndex(docUnitIndex) / m_cor;
-	  			m_iter2 = unitRulerGetIter2FromIndex(docUnitIndex) / m_cor;
+				m_iter2 = unitRulerGetIter2FromIndex(docUnitIndex) / m_cor;
 		case SC_MM:
@@ -218,7 +253,7 @@
 			if (sc > 1)
 				m_cor = 10;
 			m_iter = unitRulerGetIter1FromIndex(docUnitIndex) / m_cor;
-  			m_iter2 = unitRulerGetIter2FromIndex(docUnitIndex) / m_cor;
+			m_iter2 = unitRulerGetIter2FromIndex(docUnitIndex) / m_cor;
 		case SC_IN:
 			m_iter = unitRulerGetIter1FromIndex(docUnitIndex);
@@ -228,6 +263,7 @@
 				m_cor = 2;
 				m_iter /= m_cor;
 				m_iter2 /= m_cor;
+				m_iter3 /= m_cor;
 			if (sc > 4)
@@ -234,6 +270,7 @@
 				m_cor = 4;
 				m_iter /= m_cor;
 				m_iter2 /= m_cor;
+				m_iter3 /= m_cor;
 			if (sc < 0.25)
@@ -240,6 +277,7 @@
 				m_cor = 0.5;
 				m_iter = 72.0*16.0;
 				m_iter2 = 72.0*2.0;
+				m_iter3 = 72.0*8.0;
 		case SC_P:
@@ -284,7 +322,7 @@
 				m_iter = unitRulerGetIter1FromIndex(docUnitIndex) / m_cor;
-	  			m_iter2 = unitRulerGetIter2FromIndex(docUnitIndex) / m_cor;
+				m_iter2 = unitRulerGetIter2FromIndex(docUnitIndex) / m_cor;
 		case SC_C:
@@ -322,7 +360,7 @@
 			if (sc > 4)
 				m_cor = 10;
 			m_iter = unitRulerGetIter1FromIndex(0) / m_cor;
-	 		m_iter2 = unitRulerGetIter2FromIndex(0) / m_cor;
+			m_iter2 = unitRulerGetIter2FromIndex(0) / m_cor;
Index: scribus/ui/vruler.h
--- scribus/ui/vruler.h	(Revision 26450)
+++ scribus/ui/vruler.h	(Arbeitskopie)
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
 class QMouseEvent;
 class QPaintEvent;
+class PageItem;
 class PrefsManager;
 class RulerGesture;
 class ScribusDoc;
@@ -73,6 +74,7 @@
 	double m_cor {0.0};
 	double m_iter {0.0};
 	double m_iter2 {0.0};
+	double m_iter3 {0.0};
 	double m_offset {0.0};
 	int m_oldMark {0};
 	int m_whereToDraw {0};
ruler_2024-11-24_01.patch (27,032 bytes)   

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-11-24 17:15 nitramr New Issue
2024-11-24 17:15 nitramr Status new => assigned
2024-11-24 17:15 nitramr Assigned To => nitramr
2024-11-24 17:15 nitramr File Added: 1.6.2.png
2024-11-24 17:15 nitramr File Added: 1.7.0.png
2024-11-24 17:15 nitramr File Added:
2024-11-24 17:15 nitramr File Added: ruler_2024-11-24_01.patch
2024-11-24 17:16 nitramr Relationship added related to 0012960
2024-11-24 17:16 nitramr Relationship added related to 0016217
2024-11-24 17:16 nitramr Relationship added related to 0010888
2024-11-24 17:17 nitramr Description Updated
2024-11-24 20:50 cbradney Status assigned => resolved
2024-11-24 20:50 cbradney Resolution open => fixed
2024-11-24 20:50 cbradney Fixed in Version => 1.7.0.svn
2024-12-08 11:41 cbradney Status resolved => closed