View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0017411ScribusGeneralpublic2025-02-09 20:08
Reporterale Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Product Version1.7.1.svn 
Summary0017411: nodes editor: don't draw the "original" segment when moving a node
Descriptioni've noticed something else that is not optimal in the current implementation and is different in inkscape: in inkscape:

when you move a node, the segments "attached" to it move with the node under the cursor.

in scribus, the existing segments are drawn as if nothing is happening and the segments "following" the moving node have a thinner blue stroke.
i would prefer to have inkscape's behavior or, if we want to keep the original segment(s) as a reference, we should make them less prominent than the moving ones.

the way scribus behaves in the nodes editor is somehow the same as with items on the desktop.
but, in my experience, beziers are more "busy" and it's easier to redraw them (i guess that resizing a text frame with its content in real time is too "expensive").
therefore, i'm ok with having two different behaviors inside of scribus.


related to 0017364 closednitramr Improved Node Editing 



2025-02-08 17:52


move-node-inkscape.gif (113,925 bytes)   
move-node-inkscape.gif (113,925 bytes)   
move-node-scribus.gif (140,781 bytes)   
move-node-scribus.gif (140,781 bytes)   


2025-02-08 20:58

updater   ~0052031

usually i like the behaviour of inkscape. but in this case i see a real benefit in the way scribus shows beziers while editing. sometimes i duplicate a path in inkscape before moving nodes to simulate this static reference and delete the unedited copy later.
for me it doesn't matter if the moving path or the static one keeps its normal stroke weight and color while editing. but i would keep the static shape.


2025-02-09 16:08

manager   ~0052034

in my eyes the tool should make it clear what the final path will be.

in some cases, it's for sure handy to still see what the original path was and i welcome a good solution that also provides that information!


2025-02-09 17:48

developer   ~0052036

The path can move like in Inkscape. The old path position can be represented with a thin grey line like a "ghost path".

BTW: This task seems a little tricky because drawing the path happens in the PageItem, but drawing the nodes and controls happens in the CanvasMode object.
You would have to update the PageItem while moving the mouse, not when you release the mouse.
proposal.png (4,508 bytes)   
proposal.png (4,508 bytes)   


2025-02-09 20:08

manager   ~0052037

a long term proposition:

- refactor the drawing code out the PageItem
- both the PageItem and the CanvasMode can use the same code to draw the path
- the nodes tool can tell the PageItem when to draw and when not to draw (and hide) the shape (without removing it, for flow reasons).
- the nodes can then take over the drawing and cut / join the original path (or making copies of it) for the sake of better controlling which segment is drawn in which color).

i would not do that within the scope of the current rework of the nodes tool.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-02-08 17:52 ale New Issue
2025-02-08 17:52 ale File Added: move-node-inkscape.gif
2025-02-08 17:52 ale File Added: move-node-scribus.gif
2025-02-08 18:08 nitramr Relationship added related to 0017364
2025-02-08 19:53 ale Tag Attached: nodes
2025-02-08 20:58 utnik Note Added: 0052031
2025-02-09 16:08 ale Note Added: 0052034
2025-02-09 17:48 nitramr Note Added: 0052036
2025-02-09 17:48 nitramr File Added: proposal.png
2025-02-09 20:08 ale Note Added: 0052037