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ID | Project | Category | View Status | Date Submitted | Last Update |
0017435 | Scribus | Guides | public | 2025-03-02 16:35 | 2025-03-02 16:36 |
Reporter | ale | Assigned To | |||
Priority | normal | Severity | feature | Reproducibility | N/A |
Status | new | Resolution | open | ||
Product Version | 1.7.1.svn | ||||
Summary | 0017435: Grid frames | ||||
Description | Now that we're getting a node editor that is comfortable to use, it's probably time to think, how grids can be improved and be really useful for the vector drawing part. Personally, I'm still convinced that for layout tasks, the grid should only be activated in very specific cases (if any!). But for vector drawing it's a very useful tool. Generally speaking, in my eyes, having a grid that is defined for all pages and start at the origin of the page is mostly useless. I suggest to replace the current grid by Grid frames / items. The user can create an area that defines a specific grid, with its major and minors spacing and an origin that has a meaning for the specific part of the layout that profits from a grid. First: The current grid feature can be replicated by placing a full page grid in the master page. Here a few ideas for an actual implementation: - There is a new item type: Grid - There is a new Grid tool (for the tools toolbar) - There is a new content palette: Grid - Grid frames can be linked together (the first one created being then the origin; in the content palette, the current one can be set as the origin; this allows a grid that spreads over a double page; it would work a bit like; it would work a bit like "Paste (Absolute)" for images, but the relationship would be updated when moving the frames: this would allow to create grids that span double pages; or multiple areas on a page that must be aligned to each other). - Each (chain of) grid(s) has its own major and minor grid space definition (Control panel) - Each (chain of) grid(s) can be individually turned on and off (there is no global setting anymore; Control panel) - If a grid is on, then it's visible and snaps (no separation between visibility and snapping) - When two grid intersect, in the intersecting are, only the "higher" grid is considered. - While the grid tool is active: - all the existing grids get shown. - a click on an existing grid selects it; if an item is already selected - shift click creates a new grid item of the size of the surrounding guides / margins; - click and drag draws a new grid area - The grid item also supports local "column and rows" guides instead of the grid: splitting the grid in n rows and m columns (a guides mode might be added if there are actual use cases) - Grids can be on master pages - Grids can be put on their own layer (there is a choice if the grid only affects the current layer (the default), all the layers, or only the layers above; if a grid doesn't have any effect on the .current layer, then it is not shown. | ||||
Tags | No tags attached. | ||||
Patch | No | ||||