View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002063ScribusOS-MacOSXpublic2015-02-16 09:04
Reporterjuh Assigned Tojghali  
Status assignedResolutionopen 
Product Version1.3.0cvs 
Target Version1.6 milestone 
Summary0002063: Integration into Mac Color Tool
DescriptionI have defined some colors in the Mac Color Tool. Would be nice if I could use them in Scribus.
TagsNo tags attached.


related to 0012328 new Fix the eye dropper on Mac OS X 



2005-06-08 07:18

reporter   ~0004960

Forgive my ignorance, but ... Mac colour tool?

Do you know of any documentation for it - especially developer documentation? No stress if you don't, but if you do it'd be handy. Also, does it support CMYK colours and other colour spaces?


2005-06-08 07:33

reporter   ~0004964

Maybe this can help:


2005-06-08 07:43

reporter   ~0004965

Yes, that'll be useful. I didn't realise it was part of ColorSync.

We need to be very careful around ColorSync, as we need to ensure we get untransformed colours until/unless we ever integrate ColourSync support for profiles (not likely in the near-medium term).

This does sound interesting, but there are a lot of general fixes that need doing first.


2015-02-16 09:04

updater   ~0034514

Changed to OS-MacOSX category

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2005-06-07 05:28 juh New Issue
2005-06-08 07:18 ringerc Note Added: 0004960
2005-06-08 07:18 ringerc Status new => acknowledged
2005-06-08 07:33 juh Note Added: 0004964
2005-06-08 07:43 ringerc Note Added: 0004965
2012-01-05 01:04 plinnell Assigned To => jghali
2012-01-05 01:04 plinnell Status acknowledged => assigned
2012-01-05 01:04 plinnell Category PPCOSX => Color Management
2012-01-05 01:04 plinnell Target Version => 1.6 milestone
2014-09-18 22:11 Kunda Relationship added related to 0012328
2015-02-16 09:04 Kunda Patch => No
2015-02-16 09:04 Kunda Note Added: 0034514
2015-02-16 09:04 Kunda Category Color Management => OS-MacOSX