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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0003160ScribusUsabilitypublic2014-09-18 22:40
ReporterplinnellAssigned Toale  
Status assignedResolutionopen 
PlatformanyOSanyOS Versionany
Product Version1.3 
Summary0003160: Add more status bar tool tips when tools are selected to give hints on usage.
Description"The only thing I would add, is that although Scribus is targetted as a
Professional level DTP tool, it would still be handy to have some kind
of tooltip, or mention of how to scale the images uniformly in a status
bar area, just like Inkscape do. Inkscape provide this extra info along
with most of the functions in their lower status bar. The info changes
accordingly to the tool used. I've been using Scribus since vers 0.5 and
I'd never cottoned on to how to scale images proportionately. Sometimes
making these extra little bits of info available dynamically makes a big
difference to the real usability of an application."
TagsNo tags attached.


has duplicate 0003690 closedplinnell More tool tips needed 
related to 0004368 closedcbradney Add tooltips to all entries of the status bar 
child of 0003821 acknowledged Metabug: Usability 



2006-01-31 13:51

developer   ~0008519

This is a *very* good idea! Lots of apps don't have that onboard and the users are left with no other choice than learn by guessing. This will help enlarging the number of people using efficiently Scribus *and* will give them an opportunity to enlarge their knowledge of DTP as well.

D'une pierre, deux coups!


2012-06-24 12:20

manager   ~0028284

i'd suggest an info palette...


2014-09-18 22:40

updater   ~0033747

Please see
This wiki page has been created for future implementation of this feature or derivative feature.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2006-01-31 13:30 plinnell New Issue
2006-01-31 13:30 plinnell Reported where => Mailing List
2006-01-31 13:51 louisdesjardins Note Added: 0008519
2006-04-08 18:22 mhanski Severity minor => feature
2006-04-08 18:22 mhanski Category - => Usability
2006-04-21 14:18 mhanski OS => any
2006-04-21 14:18 mhanski OS Version => any
2006-04-21 14:18 mhanski Platform => any
2006-04-21 14:18 mhanski Product Version 1.3.3cvs => 1.3
2006-04-21 15:18 cbradney Status new => assigned
2006-04-21 15:18 cbradney Assigned To => plinnell
2006-04-22 22:28 plinnell Relationship added has duplicate 0003690
2006-05-15 18:08 christoph_s Relationship added child of 0003821
2006-10-05 22:41 christoph_s Relationship added related to 0004368
2012-06-24 12:20 ale Note Added: 0028284
2012-06-24 12:20 ale Assigned To plinnell => ale
2014-09-18 22:40 Kunda Note Added: 0033747