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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0004024ScribusUsabilitypublic2014-09-13 13:38
Reporterjonah Assigned To 
Status confirmedResolutionopen 
Platform1.3.3.2OSLinux and WindowsOS VersionDapper 64 & XP
Product Version1.3.3.2cvs 
Summary0004024: Get Image Preview too slow for production machines, for magazine/publication etc - doesn't handle big tiffs well
DescriptionWhen inserting an image into scribus, if the photo is a large tiff etc the preview is very slow and almost crashes the machine if you don't give it a while to catch up - mouse doesn't respond etc.

Colleagues of mine on production machines in photo studio often lose patient and crash the system with this.

we use images 5x7", 8x10" and upto 11x14" image sizes at 300dpi and this is a little too much for scribus when inserting the images but it's fine once inserted. Can we please have an enhancement on this to speed up image preview to make accepted for professional use. thanks
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child of 0002438 acknowledged Metabug: Cases of extreme memory use 



2006-07-17 08:07

reporter   ~0011897

Definitely an issue I've seen. We actually create an SCImage for the preview then scale it down and render it. We really need to see if TIFFs can be previewed using downsampling in libtiff or some other fast path ... the current approach is very RAM and CPU time hungry.


2006-07-17 08:08

reporter   ~0011898

-> minor ; I know it's frustrating but every issue is in a way "major". We keep major for _really_ bad stuff.


2006-07-17 08:39

reporter   ~0011899

Ideally we need to read the TIFF progressively and downsample it as we go. libtiff has routines available for partial reads. This could also be useful for helping to contain the general RAM use of SCImage.


2006-07-17 09:04

reporter   ~0011901

It'd also help to know how much RAM these machines have, since it sounds like the problem comes down to excess RAM use forcing the machine to swap.


2006-07-17 17:46

reporter   ~0011904

thanks for excepting this bug - we are using quark in the mean time as we are a photo studio we need to quickly flick through photos and see the preview before importing them for postcards, christmas cards etc but this can crash the system and is too slow currently.

both machine have 512mb or higher ram at work. though we often can have upto 4 applications such as photoshop also running at the same time.

one machine is 64bit however also.

i hope this helps.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2006-07-16 11:34 jonah New Issue
2006-07-17 08:07 ringerc Note Added: 0011897
2006-07-17 08:07 ringerc Status new => confirmed
2006-07-17 08:08 ringerc Note Added: 0011898
2006-07-17 08:08 ringerc Severity major => minor
2006-07-17 08:09 ringerc Relationship added related to 0002438
2006-07-17 08:39 ringerc Note Added: 0011899
2006-07-17 09:04 ringerc Note Added: 0011901
2006-07-17 17:46 jonah Note Added: 0011904
2014-08-18 16:17 Kunda Relationship added parent of 0008308
2014-08-18 16:20 Kunda Relationship deleted parent of 0008308
2014-09-13 13:38 Kunda Relationship replaced child of 0002438