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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000498ScribusStylespublic2025-03-13 11:48
Reporterlouisdesjardins Assigned To 
Status acknowledgedResolutionopen 
PlatformLinuxOSMandrakeOS Version10
Product Version1.3 
Summary0000498: Typography Preference Settings as part of Paragraph Styles
DescriptionSuperscripts, subscripts and small caps are ruled by the Edit>Preference>General>Typography menu. These settings apply indistinctively to all fonts in the document. Although it has been years DTP programs have worked this way, I think this approach needs improvement and should be ruled through the Edit>Paragraph Style menu, thus beeing possibly different for each font, because each font is different.
Additional InformationWhat fits for Garamond doesn’t necessarily fit for Helveltica. There are so many differences from one font another that even a settings driven by a percentage doesn’t give good results for both. I agree this is real fine tuning. A check box ”Apply to all fonts” could be a compromise if you don’t want to use the feature to its full extent. Otherwise, the settings would be user definable in the Paragraph Style menu.
TagsNo tags attached.


related to 0002995 closedcbradney press shift+end should select the the whole line but it only selects the line -1 character 
has duplicate 0002955 closed Ratio between majuscules and miniscules in small caps, subscript, superscript should be defined by styles 



2006-05-02 22:18

updater   ~0010817

I'd like to have all this metrics related stuff in a
per-font customization tab. It would include:
* sub/superscript pos
* smallcaps ratio
* underline and strikethru pos
* strokewidth
* manual kerning pairs
* hor. and vert. scale
* extra leading
* extra tracking

A customized font would be a new font, different from the original one.


2006-05-03 01:51

reporter   ~0010822

This sounds good, but I think further changes should still be possible in each style and/or at least manually on a case-by-case basis, especially for sub/superscripts.


2025-03-13 10:08

manager   ~0052210

@nitramr what do you think of this?


2025-03-13 11:48

developer   ~0052214

For me, it makes perfect sense to use superscript, subscript, and small caps values ​​as part of the character style.

I don't think these values ​​need to be particularly prominent, so I suggest implementing the input fields similarly to character borders and character drop shadows. You simply click and hold the button until the input value menu appears. (By the way, I could also imagine using a right-click instead of a "long click.") In that way, we don't need more space in the UI (style manager + text properties).

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2004-04-19 16:50 louisdesjardins New Issue
2006-02-06 17:34 jo-hannes Status new => acknowledged
2006-02-06 17:34 jo-hannes Product Version 1.1.6 => 1.3
2006-05-02 09:12 mhanski Relationship added related to 0002995
2006-05-02 20:05 mhanski Relationship added has duplicate 0002955
2006-05-02 22:18 avox Note Added: 0010817
2006-05-03 01:51 mkoren Note Added: 0010822
2025-03-13 10:08 ale Note Added: 0052210
2025-03-13 11:48 nitramr Note Added: 0052214