View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0005809ScribusScripterpublic2009-11-23 06:30
ReporterCedricD Assigned Tosubik  
Status assignedResolutionopen 
OSwindowOS VersionXP 
Product Version1.3.3.9cvs 
Summary0005809: The setText command reset the style of the text frame
DescriptionIf text frame has been manually given some style when changing the text with the command setText the style is lost.
Natural behavior should change only text and don't touch anything else.
Steps To ReproduceCreate text frame named text1 with anytext (say "ha que coucou")
Change style to be centered and Font size 20pt

from script console
import scribus
scribus.setText("bye bye","text1")

the style is back to size 12 pt sometime centered sometimes not.
TagsNo tags attached.



2009-11-23 06:30

reporter   ~0022876

Still happens with I'm running Scribus on Windows XP.

I snagged on this while working on a numbering script that replaces text frames containing strings of zeroes (e.g. '000', '0000') with numbers.

The preservation of styles would ease the writing of text replacement scripts like these.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2007-06-01 14:55 CedricD New Issue
2008-02-06 00:17 christoph_s Status new => assigned
2008-02-06 00:17 christoph_s Assigned To => subik
2009-11-23 06:30 kaixiong Note Added: 0022876