View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0006119ScribusGeneralpublic2008-02-05 22:38
Reporterkukacster_1 Assigned Toavox  
Status assignedResolutionopen 
PlatformlinuxOSsiduxOS Versiongaia
Product Version1.3.4 
Summary0006119: difficult to manually edit styles
DescriptionIn the panel, the font shows always the default font and it is impossible to change (after story editor or manual edit, it stays the default).
By the way, it seems there is no relation between the panel and the story editor: if I change something in the firts, the change does not reflect in the other. Ok, it is a development version, but in the stable, it does not work good neither. I don't know the qt3 neither qt4 toolsets, but in gnustep, these object connections are very very easy to manage.
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2007-08-19 15:31

developer   ~0017077

What panel are you referring to?


2007-08-19 21:28

reporter   ~0017080

the property panel


2007-08-19 21:46

developer   ~0017081

This will all be changed in 1.3.6. You are working with a developer version, nothing stable and imperfect in terms of usability. If you want a stable version, use or the upcoming

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2007-08-19 13:41 kukacster_1 New Issue
2007-08-19 15:31 christoph_s Note Added: 0017077
2007-08-19 21:28 kukacster_1 Note Added: 0017080
2007-08-19 21:46 christoph_s Note Added: 0017081
2008-02-05 22:38 christoph_s Status new => confirmed
2008-02-05 22:38 christoph_s Status confirmed => assigned
2008-02-05 22:38 christoph_s Assigned To => avox