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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0007632ScribusStylespublic2019-08-20 09:43
Reporterpatrickp Assigned To 
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityunable to reproduce
Status newResolutionopen 
Product Version1.3.3.12 
Summary0007632: [OBSOLETE] New paragraph styles appearing in the list
DescriptionThe problem.
I have paragrapghe styles which are added in my list wiithout me doing anything.
I am working with the French language and styles appearing, among others, are "Copy of Block Internal" or "Copy of Rechts Internal", this can be also "None" and also the "Copy of a style I have created".
Steps To ReproduceI cannot telle how reproduce.
It seems coming from the way I enter data in the text boxes.
Means I have made a litlle macro under Open Office to select the line et cut that selection.
Then in Scribus, I do a Ctrl+Y, Ctrl+V, I have to suppress unwanted carriage return and reapply the style as the original style in no taken in account.
I do not have a new style for each action but that happen quite a number of times.
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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2008-11-26 13:53 patrickp New Issue
2019-08-20 09:43 ale Summary New paragraph styles appearing in the list => [OBSOLETE] New paragraph styles appearing in the list
2019-08-20 09:43 ale Patch => No