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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0007915ScribusUser Interfacepublic2009-10-31 16:06
Reporterbrunod Assigned To 
PrioritynormalSeverityfeatureReproducibilityhave not tried
Status newResolutionopen 
PlatformX86 32bitOSUbuntu (latest) 8.04OS Version1.3.5 svn
Product Version1.3.5svn 
Summary0007915: RFE : group command for frame and image rotation
DescriptionFrame rotation is easy available. But when inserting an image, sometimes it has to be slightly rotated to respect vertice without rotating the frame. I know it is possible using the sub menu form, but i think it would be appreciated to link these two commands even if duplicated as they are for "adjust image to frame" and "adjust frame to image". Personaly, i'd like to have both in property menu, near frame rotation. Thanks.
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2009-10-31 16:06

reporter   ~0022769

The icon menu "rotation de l'objet" allows direct rotation of the frame.
But following the same idea that the behaviour "dragging an object as a frame" changed if object is first double clicked in "dragging the object within a frame", i'd like the same idea for rotation : if object has been double clicked, it's the object within the frame that rotates and the frame remains in position.
By the way, just like for moving, it would be nice to have an small info box that shows the angle that will be applied.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2009-04-01 05:53 brunod New Issue
2009-10-31 16:06 brunod Note Added: 0022769