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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0009272ScribusGeneralpublic2014-09-20 12:06
ReporterThaddeus Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
PlatformIntel86x32OSWin2kOS VersionWin2k
Product Version1.3.8svn 
Summary0009272: Preflight Verifier momentarily reports text overflow when checking script-created frames.
DescriptionThis is rather a subtle personality issue, but it took me 1 hour chasing text ghosts before I realized it was nothing.

The script "" creates a text frame on every page with the "DRAFT COPY" text in it. When printing this, the Preflight Verifier (PV) says "Text Overflow" on page 3, then I go to page 3 and it looks OK, so I run PV again and now says "Text Overflow" on page 10, then I go to page 10 and it looks OK, so I run PV again .... 100, etc ... it looks OK.

So, it appears that as pages are drawn on the screen (scrolling down, passing through all pages) something gets updated and PV is happy. Saving and opening "fixes" this too.
Additional Information7 July 2010; Build ID: C-*-T-*-C1.8.6-Windows; Using Ghostscript version 8.70
TagsNo tags attached.


child of 0012524 acknowledged Metabug: Preflight Verifier (1.5.0.svn) 



2010-07-15 23:28



2010-07-15 23:28


Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2010-07-15 23:28 Thaddeus New Issue
2010-07-15 23:28 Thaddeus File Added:
2010-07-15 23:28 Thaddeus File Added: Preflight Verifier_Ghost Overflow.png
2014-09-20 12:06 Kunda Relationship added child of 0012524