View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0009694ScribusProperties Palettepublic2024-03-23 22:31
Reportersubeditor Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
PlatformPC AMD64 X2, Ati Radeon 3200OSUbuntuOS Version10.10
Product Version1.4.0svn 
Target Version1.5.4 
Summary0009694: Properties palette section switching
DescriptionWhen selecting image frame or polygon after text frame and "Text" section in PP selected, then PP switches to "Line" section.
When selecting text frame after image frame with "Image", PP switches to "Line" section either.
I could guess that is due to the fact that "Image" section is unavailable for text frame, but if one selects group and then single object (for which "Group" section is unavailable) PP jumps to XYZ (as it acts in Scribus before 1.4svn).

In my view this is not critical since earlier PP behavior (switching to XYZ by default) is not helpful too, but I doubt if described issue is expected action.

May be we should create another bug report/feature request to discuss PP behavior, but I hope very much that it will be redesigned soon.
Steps To Reproduce1. Create one text and one image frame.
2. Select text frame and choose "Text" section in PP.
3. Select image frame -> PP jumps to "Line" section.
TagsNo tags attached.


related to 0017180 assignednitramr Indigo UI: Properties Palette Redesign 


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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2011-01-19 13:31 subeditor New Issue
2016-05-21 14:09 Kunda Patch => No
2016-05-21 14:09 Kunda Category Canvas => Properties Palette
2016-12-09 06:17 cbradney Target Version => 1.5.4
2024-03-23 22:31 nitramr Relationship added related to 0017180