View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0001066ScribusTranslationpublic2004-12-13 20:21
Reportermhanski Assigned Tocbradney  
Status closedResolutionno change required 
PlatformAMD Athlon XP 3000+OSMandrake Linux OfficialOS Version10
Product Version1.2.1cvs 
Summary0001066: How to find new translators?
DescriptionThe attached file contains TS files for the presumably abandoned languages, which are: Basque, Brazilian, Bulgarian, Catalan, Dutch, Galician, Hungarian, Indonesian, Lithuanian, and Turkish. These files were moved from PO to TS format, and their strings upgraded to the current CVS version.

There are obviously no interested (or not any more) native speakers for those languages on the mailing list, I suggest to go public with it and seek for the translators in the outer space. The idea is, you could put a piece of news about it on the web page or on the mailing list, or even here, containing a clear statement, which languages need new mainteners, and we (I can do it) could post to various national Usenet groups, pointing people there to the news and to the translation howto:

I moved these po files to ts and upgraded them in order to make the work for the newcomers as easy as possible, since the translation howto refers to TS files.

TagsNo tags attached.



2004-09-14 10:44

developer   ~0002375

Mail exchange on this topic:


2004-09-14 11:33

administrator   ~0002376

Franz, please grab these files for cvs.


2004-09-22 17:24

developer   ~0002470

I've added updated ts files for those languages (as of 2004.09.22, file name 20040922_ts_4_abandoned_langs.tar.bz2)


2004-09-22 21:40

administrator   ~0002472

Maciej, what have you done to update these files? Franz has a script that automagically updates the files to insert all new strings. He just needs to run it now and then.


2004-09-23 06:00

developer   ~0002479

Initially, I moved them from PO to TS file format. Yesterday, I updated their strings with lupdate to the current CVS state and removed the "default" context, to make them thinner.

There are no TS files for those languages in /Scribus/scribus/po directory so far, so I presume, Franz' script can update only their existing PO files.


2004-09-23 21:51

administrator   ~0002492

That will mean Franz hasnt grabbed the files. The update script does update the ts files.

Franz, please take the TS files to replace the PO files.


2004-09-28 16:28

developer   ~0002561

There is a new translator for Catalan:


2004-09-28 23:41

administrator   ~0002568

Maciej, whats your plan for this bug? Franz has put all of these files, updated even, in CVS tonight. Can we close this?


2004-09-29 08:38

developer   ~0002570

Craig, yes, you may close this issue, but please consider doing this:

- There is still no "official" statement from the Scribus team, which languages need new mainteners. Putting this either on the website or on the mailing list could help us spread the news about it, _before_ 1.2.1 is released

- /Scribus/scribus/po still contains old, unupdated PO files for these languages - such freedom of choice might be quite confusing for new translators, please consider removing them (not quite sure about that, perhaps marking them as "old" would be better)

- still refers to the old PO files for these abandoned languages, instead of TS files , a small fix is needed


2004-09-29 20:45

administrator   ~0002576

Maciej, yep. I emailed Franz to remove those old PO files last night. I think some of the ts files are named incorrectly tho, eg .no.ts should be .no_NO.ts?

The translation statistics will update as soon as the PO files no longer exist... automagic.


2004-09-29 21:07

administrator   ~0002577

Mail sent..

BTW.. no and nb NO are correct.. ie.. they both should be the same file at this point in time.. Franz just hasnt copied the file to the new name yet. The higher value translation file is correct.


2004-10-01 08:13

developer   ~0002592

Last edited: 2004-10-02 22:29

>Mail sent...

Just perfect:) I'm going post to the national Usenet groups for those languages next week (I hope, we'll know more until then, academic year starts, students will be back).

For now, I've already posted to some Usenet groups (for those languages, where Scribus translations are utterly missing):

is.tolvur.unix //Iceland //Portugal
local.linux.greek.users //Greece
hr.comp.os.linux //Croatia
lv.tehnika //Latvia
soc.culture.romanian //Romania
yu.os.unix //Serbia and Montenegro
ee.ervutid.unix //Estland
tw.bbs.comp.linux //Israel
tw.bbs.comp.unix //Israel //Hebrew ( //Hebrew mailing list //Greece
hr.comp.linux //Croatia
yu.os.linux //Serbia and Montenegro
ee.arvutid.unix.linux.vestlus //Estland //Latvian mailing list //Greek mailing list ( ) //a Portugese Linux forum //mailing list for Icelandic translators //Linux Serbia Forum //Irish mailing list

I'm an enthusiastic user and the Polish translator of Scribus , the Open Source DTP application. I've noticed, that
Scribus GUI hasn't yet been translated into your language (see
translation statistics for more: ).

The Scribus team is going to release a bugfix release 1.2.1 in not a
very distant future, it would be nice, if it could contain a GUI
translation for your language, too.

If anybody is interested, please:

1. join the Scribus mailing list and let the
Scribus team know, that you are going to translate

2. Read this very easy to follow translation howto:

3. Submit your translated files to

4. If you prefere IRC, an IRC channel #scribus on is
quite active

Looking forward to seeing Scribus in your language
Maciej Hanski"

edited on: 04-10-03 00:29


2004-10-01 08:47

administrator   ~0002593

Nice, thanks heaps :=)


2004-10-01 21:10

developer   ~0002599

Last edited: 2004-10-02 10:19

So far we have one interested person from Croatia (not sure yet), one very nice and supportive mail from Ireland (hoping for more), and one question from Israel (my answers and - I'm not quite sure, whether they have been sufficient)

edited on: 04-10-02 12:19


2004-10-04 19:51

developer   ~0002624

New postings to:

soc.culture.basque //Basque
soc.culture.galiza //Galician
be.comp.os.linux and nl.comp.os.linux.overig //Dutch
hun.lists.mlf.linux, hun.lists.mlf.linux //Hungarian
soc.culture.indonesia, jaring.os.linux //Indonesian //Lithuanian mailing list


2004-10-05 18:49

developer   ~0002638

Last edited: 2004-10-05 20:37

There are new traslators for Lithuanian and Dutch (both not on the mailing list):
Rimas Kudelis <rq at> //Lithuanian

Wilbert Berendsen <wbsoft at> //Dutch

New postings to: //mailing list for Hebrew native speakers, some guys there are actively involved in various BiDi projects (nice advice from Israel)

linux.debian.user.turkish //Turkish
soc.culture.bulgaria //Bulgarian

New translator for Hebrew:

edited on: 04-10-05 22:37


2004-10-06 08:01

developer   ~0002644

Last edited: 2004-10-06 14:00

New mails to: //Bulgarian mailing list //Turkish KDE translators //Indonesian //Indonesian

Mail to KDE translation teams mentioned on this site: (either to mailing lists or to team coordinators):

Estonian, Greek, Hungarian, Latvian, Romanian, Vietnamese, Portuguese, Galician, Albanian

New translators:

Sencer Bozkurt <sencerr at> //Turkish
Prianggada I Tanaya <indra at> //Indonesian,

Bojan Bozovic <bole89 at> //Serbian

edited on: 04-10-06 16:00


2004-12-13 19:56

developer   ~0003139

Just reposted your "String freeze" message to some 10 usenet groups (from Basque to Romanian) and a Greek and Latvian mailing list.

I think, this request is ripe to be closed now.


2004-12-13 20:20

administrator   ~0003140

Thanks, closing as not an issue as its not software and was more a discussion

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2004-09-11 13:32 mhanski New Issue
2004-09-11 13:32 mhanski File Added: ts_files_4_abandoned_languages.tar.bz2
2004-09-14 10:44 mhanski Note Added: 0002375
2004-09-14 11:32 cbradney Status new => assigned
2004-09-14 11:32 cbradney Assigned To => fschmid
2004-09-14 11:33 cbradney Note Added: 0002376
2004-09-22 17:21 mhanski File Added: 20040922_ts_4_abandoned_langs.tar.bz2
2004-09-22 17:24 mhanski Note Added: 0002470
2004-09-22 21:40 cbradney Note Added: 0002472
2004-09-23 06:00 mhanski Note Added: 0002479
2004-09-23 21:51 cbradney Note Added: 0002492
2004-09-23 23:22 cbradney Product Version => 1.2.1cvs
2004-09-28 16:28 mhanski Note Added: 0002561
2004-09-28 23:41 cbradney Note Added: 0002568
2004-09-29 08:38 mhanski Note Added: 0002570
2004-09-29 20:45 cbradney Note Added: 0002576
2004-09-29 21:07 cbradney Note Added: 0002577
2004-10-01 08:13 mhanski Note Added: 0002592
2004-10-01 08:25 mhanski Note Edited: 0002592
2004-10-01 08:47 cbradney Note Added: 0002593
2004-10-01 13:38 mhanski Note Edited: 0002592
2004-10-01 14:24 mhanski Note Edited: 0002592
2004-10-01 14:58 cbradney Assigned To fschmid => cbradney
2004-10-01 15:10 mhanski Note Edited: 0002592
2004-10-01 16:50 mhanski Note Edited: 0002592
2004-10-01 17:01 mhanski Note Edited: 0002592
2004-10-01 17:35 mhanski Note Edited: 0002592
2004-10-01 17:44 mhanski Note Edited: 0002592
2004-10-01 21:10 mhanski Note Added: 0002599
2004-10-02 10:19 mhanski Note Edited: 0002599
2004-10-02 22:28 mhanski File Deleted: ts_files_4_abandoned_languages.tar.bz2
2004-10-02 22:28 mhanski Description Updated
2004-10-02 22:29 mhanski Note Edited: 0002592
2004-10-04 19:51 mhanski Note Added: 0002624
2004-10-05 18:49 mhanski Note Added: 0002638
2004-10-05 19:59 mhanski Note Edited: 0002638
2004-10-05 20:15 mhanski Note Edited: 0002638
2004-10-05 20:37 mhanski Note Edited: 0002638
2004-10-06 08:01 mhanski Note Added: 0002644
2004-10-06 08:06 mhanski Note Edited: 0002644
2004-10-06 09:02 mhanski Note Edited: 0002644
2004-10-06 10:07 mhanski Note Edited: 0002644
2004-10-06 14:00 mhanski Note Edited: 0002644
2004-12-13 19:56 mhanski Note Added: 0003139
2004-12-13 20:19 cbradney File Deleted: 20040922_ts_4_abandoned_langs.tar.bz2
2004-12-13 20:20 cbradney Status assigned => resolved
2004-12-13 20:20 cbradney Resolution open => no change required
2004-12-13 20:20 cbradney Note Added: 0003140
2004-12-13 20:21 cbradney Status resolved => closed