View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0001086ScribusStylespublic2025-03-13 09:54
Reporterlinux_chick Assigned ToTsoots  
Status assignedResolutionopen 
Platformix86 LinuxOSSlackwareOS Version8.0
Product Version1.3 
Summary0001086: Lines styles with two or more parallel lines
DescriptionI'd like to be able to create a line style with two or more parallel lines, offset from each other. For reference, I've seen it in Pagemaker as one of the standard line styles they offer.
Steps To Reproducen/a


child of 0017451 new Frame / Shape contour metabug 



2004-09-15 18:54

reporter   ~0002385

A possible use of this feature would be to create double-line bordered frames easily and neatly. It's a pretty common thing in DTP, and I know it's something we use at the POST at the moment.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2004-09-15 18:50 linux_chick New Issue
2004-09-15 18:54 ringerc Note Added: 0002385
2004-09-15 18:55 ringerc Summary Lines styles with two or more lines => Lines styles with two or more parallel lines
2004-09-15 18:55 ringerc Steps to Reproduce Updated
2006-02-06 18:11 jo-hannes Status new => acknowledged
2006-02-06 18:11 jo-hannes Product Version 1.2 => 1.3
2006-10-29 23:54 plinnell Status acknowledged => assigned
2006-10-29 23:54 plinnell Assigned To => Tsoots
2016-05-23 12:13 Kunda Tag Attached: lines
2025-03-13 09:54 ale Relationship added child of 0017451