View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0001789ScribusImport / Exportpublic2005-03-22 22:49
ReporterplinnellAssigned Tofschmid  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Product Version1.2.2cvs 
Fixed in Version1.3.0cvs 
Summary0001789: lines in tables do not export properly when line size is less than 1.0 pt
DescriptionSee attached file for test case. If you export directly, the text frames in the tables do not show in exported PDF. they do show in PS output. Ungrouping the table, selecting one frame and bumping the frame line size to 1.0 fixes it for all the cells in the table.
TagsNo tags attached.


2005-03-17 16:06


Flyer.sla (263,338 bytes)


2005-03-22 22:49

viewer   ~0003949

tested with cvs. fixed.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2005-03-17 16:06 plinnell New Issue
2005-03-17 16:06 plinnell File Added: Flyer.sla
2005-03-17 16:06 plinnell Reported where => Mailing List
2005-03-17 16:07 plinnell Assigned To => fschmid
2005-03-17 16:07 plinnell Status new => assigned
2005-03-22 22:08 fschmid Status assigned => resolved
2005-03-22 22:08 fschmid Fixed in Version => 1.3.0cvs
2005-03-22 22:08 fschmid Resolution open => fixed
2005-03-22 22:49 plinnell Note Added: 0003949
2005-03-22 22:49 plinnell Status resolved => closed