View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002093ScribusPrintingpublic2006-11-01 23:46
ReporterplinnellAssigned Toplinnell 
Status closedResolutionno change required 
Product Version1.3 
Summary0002093: Add option to build with gutenprint
DescriptionAdding an option to compile with gutenprint interface would give us more control over color output and when gutenprint 5.1 arrives, hopefully more extensive color management controls.
TagsNo tags attached.



2005-06-14 07:22

reporter   ~0005023

Sounds good to me too.

Any idea what's involved in terms of GutenPrint's inputs / outputs (does it expect PS, raster, or some sort of GDI-like API calls? Does it output PS or raster?)?

Will this affect portability to other platforms or require a duplicate printing interface?

(Note: I may well answer those myself later, I'm just asking them here to be sure they're not forgotten in the planning of this feature).


2005-06-14 09:26

reporter   ~0005025

1) It expects raster (RGB, CMY, CMYK, grayscale, whitescale, or
   N-color raw) input in 8 or 16 bits per channel, and generates
   printer-specific output that's fed raw to the printer (it can also
   generate Postscript, but the Postscript generator's not very good).
   It's a raster-only driver.

2) Gutenprint 5.x uses a parameter-based interface, whereby the driver
   declares what parameters are available, along with their (dynamic)
   permitted values, and your application sets the parameters

3) You can use the Postscript generator to generate (raster)
   Postscript, although since it doesn't have a full PPD file parser
   it's somewhat limited in what it can do. This is on our list of
   things to fix. While the Gutenprint core is quite portable, it
   would have portability implications, particularly to Windows (it is
   ported to OS X).

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2005-06-14 05:52 plinnell New Issue
2005-06-14 07:22 ringerc Note Added: 0005023
2005-06-14 07:22 ringerc Status new => acknowledged
2005-06-14 09:26 rlk Note Added: 0005025
2006-11-01 23:06 plinnell Status acknowledged => resolved
2006-11-01 23:06 plinnell Resolution open => no change required
2006-11-01 23:06 plinnell Assigned To => plinnell
2006-11-01 23:46 plinnell Status resolved => closed