View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002500ScribusShape Drawingpublic2005-12-21 22:40
Reportermalex Assigned Tofschmid  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Platformi386OSLinuxOS Version2.6
Product Version1.2.4cvs 
Fixed in Version1.2.4cvs 
Summary0002500: When non-LT origin point is selected objects move that point to LT
DescriptionIt seems that no matter what origin point is chosen when a freehand curve is drawn, when that object is deselected Scribus moves the current origin point to the co-ordinates where its LT (left-top) point was located.
Steps To ReproduceSelect a non-LT origin. Draw a freehand object. Deselect it. See it jump upward and leftward until its origin point is located where its LT corner was.
Additional InformationSee Debian bug at ht tp://
TagsNo tags attached.



2005-08-31 10:13

viewer   ~0006313

IMO, this is not a bug, but perhaps a mis-understanding of how objects have the base point selected. Scribus automatically select Left Top for X-Y measurements, but can be over-ridden with the properties palette.

Otherwise, i am mis-undersanding and need a better explanation and/or a test case file to demo the problem.


2005-08-31 23:28

viewer   ~0006317

From chatting with malex in IRC:
open a page
Select the freehand tool. draw something. While that object is selected, change the origin point to RB (right-bottom).
Now, draw a new object -- see that it "jumps", so that its RB point is located where its LT point used to be.


2005-09-04 21:59

viewer   ~0006412

bumped to 1.2.4


2005-09-05 05:26

reporter   ~0006416

Bug is present in 1.2.3cvs and 1.3.1cvs


2005-11-14 18:19

administrator   ~0007432

Has there been any movement on this issue?


2005-12-21 22:40

administrator   ~0007800

I can confirm that it's gone.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2005-08-29 18:31 malex New Issue
2005-08-31 10:13 plinnell Note Added: 0006313
2005-08-31 10:13 plinnell Status new => feedback
2005-08-31 23:28 plinnell Note Added: 0006317
2005-08-31 23:28 plinnell Status feedback => confirmed
2005-09-04 21:59 plinnell Note Added: 0006412
2005-09-04 21:59 plinnell Product Version 1.2.3cvs => 1.2.4cvs
2005-09-05 05:26 ringerc Note Added: 0006416
2005-11-14 18:19 malex Note Added: 0007432
2005-12-10 11:14 fschmid Status confirmed => resolved
2005-12-10 11:14 fschmid Fixed in Version => 1.2.4cvs
2005-12-10 11:14 fschmid Resolution open => fixed
2005-12-10 11:14 fschmid Assigned To => fschmid
2005-12-21 22:40 malex Status resolved => closed
2005-12-21 22:40 malex Note Added: 0007800