View Issue Details
ID | Project | Category | View Status | Date Submitted | Last Update |
0003651 | Scribus | Internal | public | 2006-04-13 22:59 | 2006-11-07 14:30 |
Reporter | mkoren | Assigned To | cbradney | ||
Priority | normal | Severity | minor | Reproducibility | always |
Status | closed | Resolution | fixed | ||
Platform | x86 | OS | Debian Linux | OS Version | Stable/Testing |
Product Version | | ||||
Fixed in Version | | ||||
Summary | 0003651: default text colors for new paragraph style drawn from wrong place | ||||
Description | ...taken from shape drawing rather than text preferences. | ||||
Tags | No tags attached. | ||||
Patch | |||||
confirmed with on kubuntu -- change the default colours of text and shapes in File/Preferences/Tools -- Edit/Edit Styles/New: the colours match the default shape colours |
...which in turn had a wrong name in the colors list until it was just fixed in 0003650 (leading to all my new parastyles having a default color of "fill shape" :). Maybe the two regressions were introduced together? |
Ok, here's my first attempt at a "patch." In the definition of "void StilFormate::neuesFormat()" in editformats.cpp, the following lines sty.FColor = Docu->toolSettings.dBrush; sty.FShade = Docu->toolSettings.dShade; sty.SColor = Docu->toolSettings.dPen; sty.SShade = Docu->toolSettings.dShade2; draw on properties for shapes, not text. My guess is it should be using dPenText, dTextPenShade, dStrokeText, dTextStrokeShade (from toolPrefs in prefsstructs.h) instead, though I'm not quite sure in which order. (I'm not sure when it changed; I didn't think this used to be wrong.) I can't compile this here yet to test it, as I have yet to install all the devel stuff, but maybe someone can see if this looks right. |
Its been like that forever, its in 1.2.x like that. |
Date Modified | Username | Field | Change |
2006-04-13 22:59 | mkoren | New Issue | |
2006-04-28 16:00 | mhanski | Note Added: 0010584 | |
2006-04-28 16:00 | mhanski | Status | new => confirmed |
2006-11-02 22:22 | mkoren | Note Added: 0013250 | |
2006-11-06 20:34 | mkoren | Note Added: 0013301 | |
2006-11-06 20:37 | mkoren | Note Edited: 0013301 | |
2006-11-06 20:45 | cbradney | Status | confirmed => resolved |
2006-11-06 20:45 | cbradney | Fixed in Version | => |
2006-11-06 20:45 | cbradney | Resolution | open => fixed |
2006-11-06 20:45 | cbradney | Assigned To | => cbradney |
2006-11-06 20:57 | cbradney | Note Added: 0013302 | |
2006-11-07 14:29 | cbradney | Status | resolved => closed |