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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0003985ScribusGeneralpublic2016-04-20 05:12
Reportermalex Assigned To 
Status closedResolutionunable to reproduce 
Platformi386OSLinuxOS Version2.6
Product Version1.3.3.3cvs 
Summary0003985: Focus follows mouse in fvwm brings scribus to foreground if palettes are focused
DescriptionDebian Bug report logs - #375122

Found in version scribus-ng/

From: Toni Mueller <>
To: Debian Bug Tracking System <>
Subject: scribus-ng: forced auto-raise for property dialog
Date: Fri, 23 Jun 2006 16:50:56 +0200

Package: scribus-ng
Severity: normal


I see the following problem: I have a new scribus file opened, insert an
image frame, then open the image property dialog belonging to said
frame, as well as a dialog to load the image from a file on disk. I also
have an xterm open (fvwm here). The xterm sits on top of all three
mentioned scribus windows, but when I move the mouse over the scribus
image property window, the whole application pops to front (I have
focus-follows-mouse). Moving the mouse over the other scribus windows
has no effect.

Additional InformationI requested more information from the reporter as suggested by MrB to check if all palettes exibit the same behavior.
TagsNo tags attached.



2006-07-07 11:30

reporter   ~0011814

I recall running into frustrating behaviour myself with metacity and focus follows mouse. I think Scribus is confusing focus with being the foremost window, and additionally tries to reassign focus by bringing windows forward.

I vaguely recall looking into this before after having issues with the same thing using metacity.

If it really is confined to the properties palette, presumably there's an explicit window raise in mpalette.cpp somewhere.


2007-01-17 17:50

administrator   ~0014841

Can somebody look into this more closely please?


2016-04-08 00:41

updater   ~0039896

most likely obsolete. Resolving unless someone displays otherwise

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2006-07-06 20:32 malex New Issue
2006-07-07 11:30 ringerc Note Added: 0011814
2006-07-07 11:30 ringerc Summary Mouse follows focus in fvwm brings scribus to foreground if palettes are focused => Focus follows mouse in fvwm brings scribus to foreground if palettes are focused
2007-01-17 17:50 malex Note Added: 0014841
2016-04-08 00:41 Kunda Note Added: 0039896
2016-04-08 00:41 Kunda Status new => resolved
2016-04-08 00:41 Kunda Resolution open => unable to reproduce
2016-04-08 00:41 Kunda Assigned To => Kunda
2016-04-08 00:41 Kunda Assigned To Kunda =>
2016-04-20 05:12 Kunda Status resolved => closed