View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0005943ScribusImport / Exportpublic2007-06-23 23:14
Reporterchristoph_s Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Platformx86OSLinuxOS VersionSuSE 10.2
Product Version1.3.5svn 
Summary0005943: Import of pages from 1.3.3x docs messes up text formatting
DescriptionAs in the headline. If the whole file is imported, the formatting is correct.
TagsNo tags attached.


2007-06-23 23:14


page-import-135.tar.bz2 (1,625,604 bytes)

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2007-06-23 23:14 christoph_s New Issue
2007-06-23 23:14 christoph_s File Added: page-import-135.tar.bz2