View Issue Details
ID | Project | Category | View Status | Date Submitted | Last Update |
0000689 | Scribus | Shape Drawing | public | 2004-05-19 14:39 | 2014-09-16 11:09 |
Reporter | jo-hannes | Assigned To | jghali | ||
Priority | normal | Severity | feature | Reproducibility | always |
Status | closed | Resolution | duplicate | ||
Platform | AMD Athlon 1000MHz | OS | Suse Linux | OS Version | 9.0 |
Summary | 0000689: basepoint of lines cannot be set | ||||
Description | to the middle or diagonal one | ||||
Tags | No tags attached. | ||||
Patch | |||||
duplicate of | 0007287 | closed | nitramr | Add to ability change basepoint of lines |
related to | 0003751 | closed | nitramr | additional/clearer basepoint options for lines |
has duplicate | 0006730 | closed | jghali | Straigt lines (L): Base point selection is locked |
related to | 0000691 | closed | fschmid | inserting lines |
related to | 0006700 | closed | Kunda | Copy/paste/move/duplicate actions should respect the basepoint of an item |
related to | 0003592 | closed | Kunda | Setting line geometry properties display errors |
please explain a little more :) |
this means, rotating is only possible with the one basepoint set, resizing, too. thats annoying. you also have to draw from to correct end to get good results. |
Planned in Roadmap Extras with no ETA Changing the status to acknowledged |
Actually the basepoint selected for the last non-line object is used. So you can change a line's basepoint by selecting another object, changing it there, and going back to the line. But the effect of changing the basepoint is not quite clear; see 0003751. |
Closing as duplicate as 0007287 has more complete description of issue |
Date Modified | Username | Field | Change |
2004-05-19 14:39 | jo-hannes | New Issue | |
2006-04-12 10:03 | mhanski | Note Added: 0009838 | |
2006-04-12 10:03 | mhanski | Severity | minor => feature |
2006-04-12 10:03 | mhanski | Summary | besepoint of lines cannot be set => basepoint of lines cannot be set |
2006-04-12 10:54 | mhanski | Relationship added | related to 0000691 |
2006-04-12 18:39 | jo-hannes | Note Added: 0009865 | |
2006-04-13 21:43 | mhanski | Note Added: 0009921 | |
2006-04-13 21:43 | mhanski | Status | new => acknowledged |
2006-05-04 20:09 | mkoren | Note Added: 0010917 | |
2008-01-20 22:46 | christoph_s | Relationship added | related to 0003751 |
2008-01-21 15:39 | christoph_s | Relationship added | related to 0006700 |
2008-01-30 07:47 | jghali | Relationship added | has duplicate 0006730 |
2009-07-17 17:58 | jghali | Note Added: 0022208 | |
2009-07-17 17:58 | jghali | Relationship added | duplicate of 0007287 |
2009-07-17 17:58 | jghali | Duplicate ID | 0 => 7287 |
2009-07-17 17:58 | jghali | Status | acknowledged => resolved |
2009-07-17 17:58 | jghali | Resolution | open => duplicate |
2009-07-17 17:58 | jghali | Assigned To | => jghali |
2009-07-17 17:58 | jghali | Status | resolved => closed |
2014-09-16 11:09 | Kunda | Relationship added | related to 0003592 |