View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0007779ScribusStylespublic2011-02-24 19:56
ReporterTynstar Assigned Tofschmid  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
PlatformMacOSMac OS XOS Version10.5.6
Product Version1.3.5svn 
Fixed in Version1.4.0svn 
Summary0007779: Paragraph styles duplicated on copy/paste
DescriptionWith the build mentioned above, I still see the problem described in 0006132: copying and pasting a text box duplicates each of the paragraph styles it refers to.
Steps To Reproduce1. Select text box.
2. Copy and paste the box.
3. Look at the list of styles.
TagsNo tags attached.


has duplicate 0007950 closedjghali unwished copy of styles 
has duplicate 0008462 closed Duplicates TOC style 
has duplicate 0008764 closedchristoph_s Scribus creats 'copy of' styles every time I duplicate or copy-and-paste an object 
has duplicate 0009151 closedjghali Duplication of frame causes duplication of all styles in it 
has duplicate 0009422 closedjghali when copying text frames, styles get copied as well 



2009-02-07 23:44

administrator   ~0021081

Last edited: 2009-02-08 02:04

Cannot reproduce. If you have a sample document which shows the issue, that would be helpful if you could upload it.

2009-02-08 07:21


7779.sla (65,166 bytes)


2009-02-08 07:31

reporter   ~0021083

The uploaded file has a text box containing "Initiative-Basiswert..." near the bottom of the page. I duplicated it via copy/paste and got a new style "Copy of Initiative & RĂ¼stung".

You can also see several copies of another style, "Erfahrungs-Box". Note that most of them are named in German ("Kopie von"), my UI language, but there are also English ones. When is this text _supposed_ to be used anyway? Duplicating a style uses another text, and I don't see a function labeled "Copy style"...

That said, I wasn't able to reproduce this every time with this document, and with a new document, not at all. Sorry; I know how hard bug reports like this are for developers.

I don't know your code base at all, but I think I myself would systematically check all the places where the UI text "Copy of" or "Kopie von" is accessed, and then work my way to the copy/paste code to find out the circumstances in which this problem appears.


2009-02-08 14:11

reporter   ~0021084

I can confirm that this still happens; also, the object I copy doesn't even have to be a text box; it might be anything. Unfortunately, I cannot offer reproducability either.


2009-02-28 13:13

reporter   ~0021233

I can also confirm all of the above.


2009-03-20 00:43

administrator   ~0021363

I've committed a patch which should at least drastically reduce those unwanted copies (r13317).

John Jason Jordan

2009-05-06 17:03

reporter   ~0021685

Last edited: 2009-05-06 17:04

I still have the problem with 1.3.5 Beta, April 19, Ubuntu Jaunty x86_64.

Furthermore, I have never copied and pasted a text frame ever in the document I am working on. I cannot tell where these copies are coming from, but it cannot be caused by copying and pasting text frames. I do use the Story Editor, and frequently update the text frame without necessarily closing the Story Editor. Whatever is causing them be something I am doing in the Story Editor.

I should add that I have a LOT of them. I generate 20-30 copies every hour.

John Jason Jordan

2009-05-12 05:08

reporter   ~0021712

This is the most annoying bug in my 1.3.5 April 19.

After spending nine hours in Scribus today I discovered that I had 1,064 copies of styles. It takes roughly 1.5 seconds to delete each one, and you have to delete them one at a time. It took me half an hour to delete them.

And tomorrow there will be another 1,064 copies of styles. I realize I am using beta software, but please!

OK, I'll shut up now. I just had to vent. I love you developers. :)


2009-05-12 18:59

administrator   ~0021713

Found another major cause of style duplication : page import

John Jason Jordan

2009-05-13 03:07

reporter   ~0021716

I would upgrade this to more than "minor." I sure hope this is fixed in the final release.

John Jason Jordan

2009-05-14 00:22

reporter   ~0021727

I discovered something else to add to the bug report. The document in question has a paragraph style called Normal, and 18 additional styles based on Normal. There are also half a dozen paragraph styles not based on Normal. The spurious copies are all copies of just eight of the styles based on Normal; that is, ten of the styles based on Normal are never duplicated. The half a dozen styles not based on Normal are also never duplicated. And Normal itself is never duplicated. If I could figure out the pattern - what is up with those eight styles - it may help pinpoint the origin of the problem. Sadly, I looked through all the features of all the styles and can't see the pattern. And the document is way too big to upload here.


2009-05-15 10:04

developer   ~0021734

happens on winXP with build 05 april 2009. Strangely, if i have several styles, it is not necessarly the style included in the copied_pasted frame that is duplicated.

2009-06-16 17:30


test.sla (146,691 bytes)


2009-06-16 17:48

reporter   ~0021959

Here is another test file. Take, for example the text frame with 'Figure 5', press CTRL-C and CTRL-V. Another copy of Beschriftung will be added.

Side note to John Jason: in my scribus version at least, I can mark the duplicate styles (when the editing panel is opened, that is, expanded) and press the Delete button. I get a window in which I can delete all styles at once (although this window will be really huge if you have accumulated thousands of copies, so you won't see the OK button).

If the styles are deleted this way, you have to push finish to really delete them (even though they don't show in the list anymore), else, after copying the text box another time, all the styles will there again, plus one extra copy.

I agree that this should be rated more than minor even though you can still use the program. The style list gets very hard to manage, especially if not only one style is duplicated.


2009-06-16 20:02

reporter   ~0021961

Yes, this is annoying, but you don't have to delete every style by itself. You can select a whole bunch of styles using the well-known Shift-Click / Ctrl-Click methods (style editing view has to be open) and click delete. If you don't see the "Ok" button (because the list is too long) don't worry: just press Enter. And since I have never seen any of the copied styles actually being applied to anything, you don't have to assign a replacement style on deletion.


2009-06-16 20:15

administrator   ~0021962

Thanks for that test file. Copy/paste was not handling inherited tabs values properly. This is now fixed.


2009-06-27 17:06

reporter   ~0022044

i don't know if this is related. In 1.3.5 (1.3.5.RC2) win32, copy-n-paste of selection of text boxes and other elements prepends newlines to texts of all text boxes. this is not always reproducible.

also, scribus crashed after triggering undo action (don't remember which exactly)


2009-07-03 07:39

reporter   ~0022086

""" It takes roughly 1.5 seconds to delete each one """

Man, just edit the sla file with a text editor and remove the appropriate lines! It's easy!

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2009-02-07 22:58 Tynstar New Issue
2009-02-07 23:44 jghali Note Added: 0021081
2009-02-08 02:04 jghali Note Edited: 0021081
2009-02-08 07:21 Tynstar File Added: 7779.sla
2009-02-08 07:31 Tynstar Note Added: 0021083
2009-02-08 14:11 BAlpha Note Added: 0021084
2009-02-28 13:13 mray Note Added: 0021233
2009-03-14 03:00 christoph_s Status new => confirmed
2009-03-20 00:43 jghali Note Added: 0021363
2009-04-19 20:40 jghali Relationship added has duplicate 0007950
2009-05-06 17:03 John Jason Jordan Note Added: 0021685
2009-05-06 17:04 John Jason Jordan Note Edited: 0021685
2009-05-12 05:08 John Jason Jordan Note Added: 0021712
2009-05-12 18:59 jghali Note Added: 0021713
2009-05-13 03:07 John Jason Jordan Note Added: 0021716
2009-05-14 00:22 John Jason Jordan Note Added: 0021727
2009-05-15 10:04 pygmee Note Added: 0021734
2009-06-16 17:30 dreamtheater File Added: test.sla
2009-06-16 17:48 dreamtheater Note Added: 0021959
2009-06-16 20:02 BAlpha Note Added: 0021961
2009-06-16 20:15 jghali Note Added: 0021962
2009-06-27 17:06 Shaforostoff Note Added: 0022044
2009-07-03 07:39 kguciek Note Added: 0022086
2009-10-11 21:40 cbradney Relationship added has duplicate 0008462
2010-02-02 01:38 christoph_s Relationship added has duplicate 0008764
2010-06-09 15:55 jghali Relationship added has duplicate 0009151
2010-10-22 18:05 jghali Relationship added has duplicate 0009422
2011-02-20 14:20 fschmid Status confirmed => resolved
2011-02-20 14:20 fschmid Fixed in Version => 1.4.0svn
2011-02-20 14:20 fschmid Resolution open => fixed
2011-02-20 14:20 fschmid Assigned To => fschmid
2011-02-24 19:56 cbradney Status resolved => closed