Reporter | chappa-ai | Assigned To | | |
Priority | normal | Severity | feature | Reproducibility | always |
Status | new | Resolution | open | |
Platform | Mac OS X | OS | Snow Leopard | OS Version | 10.6.7 |
Product Version | 1.4.0svn | |
Summary | 0010043: Support Multi-Touch Gestures for Page Zoom |
Description | Scribus already inherits the OS X multi-touch gestures for mouse movement and page/window scrolling, but lack recognizing the "pinch" gesture for page zoom-in and zoom-out. Having to do this manually with the zoom tools is not as fast as is could be on a MacBook with gesture recognition. |
Steps To Reproduce | See Description. |
Additional Information | Safari and Mail both support this feature, so the required API probably exists to support this. |
Tags | #tobeclosed |
Patch | No |