View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0010482ScribusStylespublic2019-08-20 13:19
ReporterMike Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Platformamd64OSUbuntuOS Version10.10
Product Version1.5.0svn 
Summary0010482: Add possibility to hide styles from PP and SE
DescriptionWhen you create a book, there is quite a lot styles which are not used during typessting of content (TOC styles, styles from title page, master page styles...). When I could hide all these styles from PP and SE, it could spare a lot of time.
Steps To ReproduceSome check mark in styles would be ok.
TagsNo tags attached.



2012-01-03 08:16

reporter   ~0027436

Related to 0008944


2019-08-20 13:19

manager   ~0046502

- we can limit the "normal" list of styles to n items.
- we keep track of each style that gets applied from the UI (the latest unique n styles applied)
- if there are more than n styles defined, we only show the ones that have been used (with a maximum of n styles displayed)

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2012-01-03 08:15 Mike New Issue
2012-01-03 08:16 Mike Note Added: 0027436
2019-08-20 13:19 ale Note Added: 0046502